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Thread: Tiguan DSG troubles !! Oh Dear I thought this might happen!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Magill , South Australia
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    Unhappy Tiguan DSG troubles !! Oh Dear I thought this might happen!

    Purchased a 2013 Tiguan in April 2014. After worrying over reliability issues and cost of repairs and a lot of help from this forum I decided to buy it. Has been trouble free ( 87,500klms) until last week when I took it in to Southern Volkswagon for its last service under the warranty.
    I mentioned that it had developed a clunk when lifting the throttle off and on in the lower gears. After test driving it they agreed and the DSG has to come out next Monday..They will need it for three days!
    Now I am so very, very glad that I mentioned it, but now I am afraid to keep it! As I have recently retired and on a pension if it goes again there is no way I could afford to repair it. What do I do? Some options:
    1. I could trade it in on something that is less expensive and no major issues, e.g. Mazda CX 5.( drove a 2012 model..didn't like it much)
    Hyundai IX 35, Kia Sportage etc. Looks like I could only get around $19/20K and take a $10K hit.
    Or take out some extended warranty policy? However Allianz want $4,100 for a 4 year extended warranty.
    Swann , around $3,100 for the same type of warranty.
    Or just don't do anything and hope like hell nothing major happens in the next 4 years or so.
    I really am in a quandary. My wife and I love it to bits , but I have been warned by many that " it will bite you eventually"
    Are those warranties worth taking out? If so which one? Any experience?
    Any advice would be appreciated ..and yes mine got caught up in the recall! Buggar! Just something else.

    Last edited by knoffie; 16-02-2016 at 02:16 PM. Reason: wrong year

  2. #2
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    Which model Tiguan is it? (eg what engine has it got)

    Knowing the model of Tiguan will tell us what version of the DSG gearbox your car has. If its the 7 speed dry clutch DSG mated to the 1.4L petrol engine then i would get it fixed and sell it. That engine and DSG are a match made in heaven.......if heaven was the most unreliable engine and gearbox ever placed on this earth.

    If its the 7 speed wet clutch mated to the 2.0 turbo petrol or diesel engine then it 'should" be safe to keep as this gearbox is very good.
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  3. #3
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    sorry my bad. Yes its a 103 TDI with DSG. I am confused, if they are so good how come mine has .."sh*t itself? I just read another post re a person who has a 2005 TDI DSG and at 73,000k lms it needs a new DSG A cool $10,800 plus labour.

  4. #4
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    First I'd wait and see what the verdict is on the "clunk". What I will say is that you are lucky that it has happened while still under warranty as if it is a "replace the DSG" then it could be expensive.

    Second piece of advice I have from a friend who also happens to be a VW sales manager is don't own a VW outside warranty. This may be a sales tactic to sell new cars, however he has seen it happen enough times that he couldn't recommend owning a VW outside warranty... but then on the other hand he also sells 2nd hand VW so go figure

    He says that the people that take out the factory extended warranties seldom need it. The large expenses usually happens to those that can least afford it and he has seen repair costs in some cases being more than the value of the car

    I think you'll find there is quite a difference between the Swann and Allianz policies. Last time I looked at it the Allianz policy was practically an extension to the manufacturers warranty, whereas the Swann policy has payout limits on a lot of items. This is particularly the case for the big ticket items like drivetrain and engines which is why you'd buy the policy in the first place. A $2,000 limit (say) on the transmission although sounds like a reasonable amount could be the fraction of the cost of a gearbox replacement if you ever needed it.

    If you want peace of mind for the next 4 years I'd seriously consider getting the Allianz policy. I'd also check the limits on km and servicing as it looks like you do a few km and you wouldn't want to be paying for a policy that is capped at (say) 140,000km if you're going to get there in the next couple of years.

    Keep us posted on the outcome. It could be something as simple as worn transmission mounts but I guess time will tell.

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  5. #5
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    Mate your laughing you just gained an extra TWO years on the gear box , All parts come with a 2 year warranty Keep it that's my answer .

  6. #6
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    Tiguan DSG woes

    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    Mate your laughing you just gained an extra TWO years on the gear box , All parts come with a 2 year warranty Keep it that's my answer .
    Thanks Ian....I agree. Just checked with Solitaire and they confirmed that I will get the extra 2 years warranty on the replacement DSG on any work they do . So that is a huge relief.
    Tigger, thanks also for your wisdom and advice . I will post a reply as to what actually went wrong as soon as they give me the car back..its goes in on Monday.
    cheers and thanks ( as usual)
    Knoffie ( Paul)

  7. #7
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    I have a 2011 TDI 103 with the 7 speed gearbox and at 125000 have had no trouble. Perhaps it is driving style but I do long distance drives (200km daily) and usually work the gearbox, ie; I do use the manual option from time to time and don't just leave it in auto. I would be more worried about the EGR system in the diesel than this gearbox issue. I also like the car but have been quite dismayed by the VW revelations about the diesel recently. I agree with the above comment that you have an extra period of warranty now. I would keep the car till at least 100K and look at the new VW Tiguan or a competitor.

  8. #8
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    Tiguan SG troubles !! Oh Dear I thought this might happen! Update

    Quote Originally Posted by knoffie View Post
    Purchased a 2013 Tiguan in April 2014. After worrying over reliability issues and cost of repairs and a lot of help from this forum I decided to buy it. Has been trouble free ( 87,500klms) until last week when I took it in to Southern Volkswagon for its last service under the warranty.
    I mentioned that it had developed a clunk when lifting the throttle off and on in the lower gears. After test driving it they agreed and the DSG has to come out next Monday..They will need it for three days!
    Now I am so very, very glad that I mentioned it, but now I am afraid to keep it! As I have recently retired and on a pension if it goes again there is no way I could afford to repair it. What do I do? Some options:
    1. I could trade it in on something that is less expensive and no major issues, e.g. Mazda CX 5.( drove a 2012 model..didn't like it much)
    Hyundai IX 35, Kia Sportage etc. Looks like I could only get around $19/20K and take a $10K hit.
    Or take out some extended warranty policy? However Allianz want $4,100 for a 4 year extended warranty.
    Swann , around $3,100 for the same type of warranty.
    Or just don't do anything and hope like hell nothing major happens in the next 4 years or so.
    I really am in a quandary. My wife and I love it to bits , but I have been warned by many that " it will bite you eventually"
    Are those warranties worth taking out? If so which one? Any experience?
    Any advice would be appreciated ..and yes mine got caught up in the recall! Buggar! Just something else.


    Well here is an update on my DSG problems.
    Car went back to the Dealer who after a lengthy inspection and oil analysis replaced the entire gear box with a new one under warranty.
    Clunk when on and off the throttle in traffic still there.
    Back to the dealer who had the car for a few more days and they replaced an arm that stabilises the gear box. ( not sure what it is called) Clunk still there! Back to the dealer.
    Next week they will replace a top engine amount..which they say hopefully will fix it. I am not so sure. Is there anyone reading this who has had a similar problem? If so what was the answer? I am so frustrated and disappointed.
    It feels like a worn universal joint or slack in the diff. I am going crazy !

    Hope you can help


  9. #9
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    I'd be looking at axial play in the driveshafts and tailshaft.

    The mounts are pretty robust. Only ever seen one gearbox mount let go on a MK5 Golf (virtually the same part as in the Tiguan), but that car had been properly thrashed. All the best with it.

  10. #10
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    My brother in laws mk7 went in just last week with a failed engine mount. 1.4ltr dsg.

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