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Thread: Oops, Tiggy keys took a swim ...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Alexandra, New Zealand

    Give it a good spray with CRC or WD40, that should stop the corrosion issue.

    2022 R-Line Golf Mk8 in Kings Red Metallic
    Previously 3 Tiguans 2008, 2013, 2017

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mojo View Post
    Well after washing the key out with fresh water and then drying it in a container of rice for a couple of days, it's now working again. But I can already see some rust/corrosion in the area where the battery sits, so I assume the rest of the key wil be the same (I can't work out how to pull the key apart). I guess it will probably fail at some point in the future.

    A VW dealer has indicated a replacement key is $250, plus $75 for programming. While still expensive, it's alot cheaper than the $1000 I'd been warned about. And if I shop around a bit hopefully I'll find it cheaper still.

    Thanks for you help everyone!
    hey can i ask who quoted u that for a replacement key? thats heaps cheap.. im after a new key too and i keep getting quotes around the 500 dollar mark...

  3. #13
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    My wife got the quote, I'm pretty sure it's from Bryan Byrt VW in Brisbane.

    I'll take the key in to work tomorrow, I think we have some spray that should slow down the corriosion.

    2010 103 Tdi Manual Tiguan, Mountain Grey, Comfort Pack, Offroad Technology, Fog Lights, Tow Bar, Tint.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    brisbane QLD
    if it's just the remote part that's buggered - you can manually recode remotes without visiting the dealer. Do a search and you should be able to find the procedures. I had to recode one of my keys after it simply 'stopped working' with my passat
    the remotes new aren't expensive on ebay - makes me wonder where they get them from?
    Main Dub:
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  5. #15
    Join Date
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    +1 to WD40 and DIY electronic key FOB replacement

    get some rubbing alcohol can get from any electrical store/computer parts store, gently clean all the rusty bits and then lightly apply a coat of WD40 with a cue tip or cotton bud.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Just got a quote from above vw

    $194.00 for key ex Singapore 5 – 10 days. Key has to be coded by service department $60.00 approx.
    $207.00 for remote key pad if required.

    so that total is 463 odd for a new key we get ripped off so much in australia.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by hippyhippy View Post
    so that total is 463 odd for a new key we get ripped off so much in australia.
    You're not wrong. A slight digression, but I have to pay more than double the US dollar cost for AutoCAD even though the Australian dollar is on parity or better than the US dollar! It is across the board, and they wonder why people buy online where they can.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    just want to put it out there that vwvillage did me a key for around 360 today ... i put the car in for a service and said i only had 1 key which the guy told me they could do for 400 ... i told them to go ahead and do me 1 and then ended up only charging for 360 odd the same afternoon. once again very happy with their service.

    makes you wonder the kind of bull **** vw tell you about having to get the key from the manufacturer.

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