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Thread: Official Fuel Economy Thread (formerly Highway economy).

  1. #81

    Feeling is the most important.

    Good thoughts!

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    My 147's done 15000km and is a year old, Thurs we drove 350k from Brisbane to Bundy, the MDI reported 8.1L/100km and that included driving home from work in peak hour and a couple of very brisk overtaking manoeuvres (smooth trip no heavy traffic). Best we've ever done is 7.9 on the same trip (2 adults, 1 dog, luggage). My lease report from last year states we've achieved a total average of 10.5L/100km km for the last 12mths, 90% city driving, 10% metro highway driving with the A/C on 100% of the time.
    2012 GTD, DSG, White, RVC, RCD510 Dynaudio, R LED Tails

  3. #83
    16L/100km --> 90%city driving in peak hour, average speed 15km/h
    The fuel is very crazy...
    I just got my Tiggy 1 week ago and done around 500km.
    A quite young Tiggy.
    Is it the reason why the fuel is crazy?
    125 TSI

  4. #84
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    The reason is that very, very low average speed 15km/h. You should be getting less than 10L/100km in the city but it will depend how heavy the traffic is. Yeah at 15km/h that is most likely what you get with every 4 cylinder engine car with the same weight as the Tiguan.
    Last edited by Transporter; 04-04-2010 at 08:31 AM.

  5. #85
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    Guys, just take the MFD witha grain of salt. It depends when you check it, how you have been driving and for how long on that trip. If you run down the shops and check it will probably read very high. The Tig system seems to reset itself after leaving it for a time (not sure how long - 1hour 2?). So, most times it's only giving you an average of what you have done on that trip - not an average since the last fill etc. (unless there is a setting I can't find, but this is how mine behaves).

    So you really need to average it out using the old method of filling, then refilling and checking the OD. Of course if you're only gettin 400k's to a tank, then you have a problem - either that or you've been taking driving lessons from Sharkie!

  6. #86
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    Prettys sure it resets after 2 hrs John, there's also 2 trip meter modes. You'll see a small number 1 or 2 on the MFD, that tells you which mode you're in. One is your overall averages the other is your most recent trip (which wipes itself after 2hrs of sitting still).
    2008 VRS Wagon. Yellow, very yellow!
    Forever blowing bubbles.

  7. #87
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    The closest you can get to the real fuel consumption number is to always fill the tank to the top, note the km traveled and do it several times, than calculate it manually. I collect all the fuel receipts where I write odometer and trip meter readings, so over the time I have the better idea what is the fuel consumption of my T5. Also it can be a good indicator if there is some thing wrong with the engine or engine management (after replacing tyres you could also see some change in the fuel consumption).

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    The closest you can get to the real fuel consumption number is to always fill the tank to the top, note the km traveled and do it several times, than calculate it manually. I collect all the fuel receipts where I write odometer and trip meter readings, so over the time I have the better idea what is the fuel consumption of my T5. Also it can be a good indicator if there is some thing wrong with the engine or engine management (after replacing tyres you could also see some change in the fuel consumption).
    Doing it manually is the only way. I generally go to the same servo and even to the same pump if l can. Fill it to the first click and reset the odometer straight away.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pullstarter View Post
    Prettys sure it resets after 2 hrs John, there's also 2 trip meter modes. You'll see a small number 1 or 2 on the MFD, that tells you which mode you're in. One is your overall averages the other is your most recent trip (which wipes itself after 2hrs of sitting still).
    Ahh, thanks Pullstarter. How do you swap between the two without me spending an hour scrolling through the MFD menus ans still not finding it?

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Northern NSW

    Quote Originally Posted by clip View Post
    Ahh, thanks Pullstarter. How do you swap between the two without me spending an hour scrolling through the MFD menus ans still not finding it?
    Pressing the Ok button on the steering wheel while in the fuel use/100klm screen will switch it b/w the two modes. Holding the OK down in what ever mode you are in (1 or 2) will reset it for that mode (1 or 2). I have often done this at each tank so I get the average for the tank using the MFD. In my experience after comparing actual use against MFD over 4-5 tanks, the MFD was close, but consistently 0.2-0.3 l/100 under. ie if MFD average was 7.7, actual was 7.9 or 8.0. Not sure all are the same and ours is APR chipped, but a guide.
    Tiguan TSI Catalina blue, Manual

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