I was reading in Team_V's thread about the key hole cover.
I very rashly bought a surf key without understanding there was no visible key hole to use it in. Reading this thread at least pointed me in the right direciton.You do need to remove the keyhole cover.
There is a small gap underneath the cover that is a little bigger than the key blade so you just pop the blade in and pull out slightly and it pops off.
If you go about it in a huge rush you could scratch the paint but if you do it at a normal pace and know what you are doing it is easy enough to do safely.
Well worth the $50 for piece of mind (preventative maintenance )
But now my question. Does anybody know if you can get a nice looking replacement cover for the key hole that exposes the key hole?
It looks lovely on, but it looks terrible popped off and I don't want to keep taking it on and off.
Tiguan MY12 118TSI, white, no frills..... Had ANS810 ... Note the HAD ..... Now got RCD510 supplemented by 7" Android TomTom mounted on a HoldMyPhone .... Upgraded speakers Vibe BlackAir front splits and MBQuartz 12" ported sub driven from Infinity Reference 5350a amp .... oh and added fun