I totally agree with the APR stage I. The only problem is that I am looking at the stage II now. I think I do a bit of different driving from team_v - I drive 80ks a day on country/suburban roads and I reckon it is more efficient (even when I give it a bootful). It used to hover around the 8-8.5 l/100km and is now around the 7.5-8 l/100km.
I have Goodyear Eagle F1's on 18" New York rims and I am really happy with them.
I'm going to put some H&R springs in soon, however I understand that they are a brilliant addition.
MY10 Tiguan 125TSI | Pearl Black | Manual | Comfort Pack | Kamei Eyelids | MDI | Not Leather | Rubber Floor Mats | Kids | Random Spillage | VWWatercooled Sticker | APR stage I | H & R springs | ECB nudge bar