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Thread: Misfires

  1. #11
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    Aaannnddd it would appear the culprit of the missing misfire cause is..... a cracked PCV breather hose. The one from the air intake into the PCV valve. Aluminium taped it up whale waiting for the replacement and it runs smooth as silk. The ecu will readjust the fuel injected and balance out. Weeee

  2. #12
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    Good to hear you got it sorted. Also got a bunch of other maintenance done and learnt a bit about your car in the meantime

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  3. #13
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    It would seem this misfire situation has been trickier to pin down than thought. I finally isolated the cause of my P0088 (high fuel rail pressure) as a failed solenoid on the HPFP. Replaced the solenoid rather than the whole pump. Local dealer had a solenoid handy... very handy. Check engine light now gone! Each piece of the puzzle has improved performance yet I am still getting random misfires on 2 cylinders. Ima gonna replace the injectors. Aside from the fuel control module, which I don’t believe to be defective, the injectors are the final stop. Now. OEM vs Bosch. I’m thinking Bosch at half the cost and a reliable producer. Anyone have thoughts on these two options?

  4. #14
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    So I received the injectors today, left work early to install. Took me ~2 hours from start to finish... not bad if I say so. Misfires are gone. Fuel rail pressure high is gone. Only current code is P2178, System too rich off idle bank 1. Changed the oil as well, reeked of petrol. I値l pick up a HPFP tomorrow and install. Hopefully that値l take care of my nuisance rough idle. I値l also clean the front O2 sensor. If still persistent I値l have to replace the N80 valve.

  5. #15
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    To close this thread out... misfires rectified after replacing injectors. The final piece of the puzzle was the fuel rail pressure high and rich on idle. Replaced the HPFP, changed the oil. Good to go. Fuel was leaking out the back of the HPFP and into the valve cover. Sneaky sneaky. I値l replace the haldex pump and filter and that will bring the machine to a good state.

  6. #16
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    The misfires have not disappeared but I think I am close to closure. My obd recently has been spitting out codes related to the cat or o2 sensors. Changes the pre cat filter as that痴 the first to foul or fail. Fault persists. Cleaned the rear o2, ordered a replacement, waiting for delivery. I think the rear o2 is fine which leaves me the cat converter as my nemesis and it al makes sense. I don稚 know for how long but for a period of time with the HPFP leaking into the oil was generating nasty combustion byproducts which have partially clogged my CC.

  7. #17
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    Misfire and idle lugging update.

    This issue is driving me a bit mental. The misfires and rough idle continue.

    replaced coil packs, spark plugs, fuel injectors, water pump, pcv valve, hpfp and cam follower, exhaust down pipe. de-carbed the intake and valves and still I idle rough with intermittent misfires in all cylinders. Symptoms improve if I engage the a/c compressor or shift into D/S/R. OBDeleven adaptation of throttle body is good, intake flap runner adaptation is good (I did notice a slight improvement after this one), intake cam adaptation is good.

    vacuum leak(s)? Intake manifold leak?

    id like to bump up my idle rpm to 780-800 but I can’t seem to change the value from 128 to anything else.

    maf looks good, boost is good, all valves/solenoids function. I am open to suggestions!

  8. #18
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    I bought a cheap android pad for my OBDeleven as android is much much muchly better suited to the device, and noticed, very clearly that there is a software update for my dsg dq500. Seeing as my whip (hahah) is a 2012/13 model and has never had a sw update, I’ve booked in for early next week to flash. Since day dot I have had a ‘feeling’ that my misfires and idle lugging may be as a result of the transmission as putting it into gear eliminates the issue. So, stay tuned… get it?… and I’ll update once updated. At least I’ve done some good maintenance on the tig in the meantime.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyyyko View Post
    I bought a cheap android pad for my OBDeleven as android is much much muchly better suited to the device, and noticed, very clearly that there is a software update for my dsg dq500. Seeing as my whip (hahah) is a 2012/13 model and has never had a sw update, I’ve booked in for early next week to flash. Since day dot I have had a ‘feeling’ that my misfires and idle lugging may be as a result of the transmission as putting it into gear eliminates the issue. So, stay tuned… get it?… and I’ll update once updated. At least I’ve done some good maintenance on the tig in the meantime.
    Fingers crossed mate - sounds like you have had a hard time chasing this issue and spent a lot of time and money.
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