Merry Christmas NZ Tiguan I hope your Mother in law pulls through, all the best to you and your family.
Hi folks
Just thought it would be nice to start a quick Merry Xmas thread. We're doing the "at home" thing this year but may be away for a few days as my wife's mother is unfortunately very ill 10 hours drive away, at least that will be a great trip for the Tig !!! (silver linings and all that).
So, hope all Tig owners and Tig wannabes and their families have a great Xmas and New Year.
Cheers from NZ![]()
Last edited by NZTiguan; 23-12-2008 at 05:48 AM. Reason: spelling
2022 R-Line Golf Mk8 in Kings Red Metallic
Previously 3 Tiguans 2008, 2013, 2017
Merry Christmas NZ Tiguan I hope your Mother in law pulls through, all the best to you and your family.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours, Derek. Coming back to NZ for a holiday in Feb (ChCh & then up to Palmy Nth) and, if we had the time, wouldn't mind getting back down Alex way ... love the high country down there ... especially in stone fruit season (which I'm guessing will be over by the time we get there).
Right decision coming into ChCh, wrong decision then to go North !! Never mind, I'm sure you've got a good reason for the Palmy Nth trip. My new son-in-law is actually from there (we try not to hold it against him !!), he married my daughter down here in Feb this year.
If you DO change your mind and come down this way, make sure you look us up OK !! I run an Architectural Design Business from home called db design, so we're easy enough to find.
Go to and click on the web-cam for an instant pic of Alex.
2022 R-Line Golf Mk8 in Kings Red Metallic
Previously 3 Tiguans 2008, 2013, 2017
Thanks Paul, unfortunately the mother-in-law didn't make it to Xmas and we've just been through for the funeral, she was 90 though and although a sad time for all it was mercifully quick.
On a brighter note it was an excuse for a 1600 km round trip in the Tig which ran flawlessly and averaged 6.6 l/hkm which is very impressive for the roads we were on !!
2022 R-Line Golf Mk8 in Kings Red Metallic
Previously 3 Tiguans 2008, 2013, 2017