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Thread: Media-In (MDI) Retrofit into Tiguan - Whos's Done It??

  1. #1

    Media-In (MDI) Retrofit into Tiguan - Whos's Done It??

    Wondering from the people that have retrofitted the VW Media-In (MDI) interface/setup into their Tiguans - where did you locate and attach the control box? I am looking at getting the kit that allows for the MDI cable mounted in the glovebox but am not sure where I would mount the box?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    ive wondered the same but found that ive never really needed a mdi since u can just buy a sd card for 10 bucks.

  3. #3
    Yea, but from what Iv read a HDD / USB drive full of music is easier than the limited size of sd card available for playlists
    Last edited by Dubs; 31-12-2011 at 06:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Users Country Flag
    Hey Dubs, if you're running the RCD310, this is what I did..... MDI is just sitting in the glove box at the moment.... check out the thread.
    MDI Interface module required!

    Tiggy 125TSI, 6 speed manual, tints, comfort pack.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Users Country Flag
    if you are running a harddrive, i wonder does it take longer time to read from MDI to read a such large capacity.

    My car came stock 310. I found that pretty much the same cost to fit MDI as getting used 510 off ebay (mine $330 posted and fitted myself in 20mins).
    IMO, 510 has SD card which meets what i need. 510 also gives better/upgarded interior look for the car.
    MK1 Golf convertible

  6. #6

    Quote Originally Posted by fung9420 View Post
    if you are running a harddrive, i wonder does it take longer time to read from MDI to read a such large capacity.

    My car came stock 310. I found that pretty much the same cost to fit MDI as getting used 510 off ebay (mine $330 posted and fitted myself in 20mins).
    IMO, 510 has SD card which meets what i need. 510 also gives better/upgraded interior look for the car.

    So are you saying you got an RNS-510 instead of the media-in? If so fittting RNS-510 only took 20mins yourself, did you need to recode anything in the car afterwards? I have factory compass which I have read needs to be deactivated/removed for the GPS to work.
    I plan to retrofit an RNS-510 as well as the media in kit, but interested to hear where others have mounted the media-in controller box? am assuming its would be somewhere behind/under dash out of the way.


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