Does anyone who has this installed in their Tiguan as part of the offroad package know where this module is located in the car? Saw one on the net going for a reasonable price and was wondering if I could fit one providing the wiring was there. Have my doubts though, after what I have experienced with looking at other less complex options so far but one must keep on hoping
Has anybody bought stuff off
They also have kits to retro fit footwell lights and door warning lights complete with wiring! Not sure about installation instructions!
Last edited by Bambazonke; 18-06-2012 at 01:31 PM.
2011 147TSi 7spd DSG Reflex Silver, 18" New York Alloys, Leather with MDI, ECB Nudge Bar, Viezu Tune (Work in Progress), Eibach ProKit Springs, SuperPro Poly ALK & Rear Trailing Arm Bushes, H&R 26mm Rear ASB and Whiteline HD Adjustable End-Links, VAR Design 3" Downpipe, Sprint Booster, Auto-Polar FIS+ Advanced Module, GTI Sports Pedals, Flappy Paddle Strg Wheel, LED fogs as DRL, chrome blingy bits
No I did not get one but I am assured this seller is legit as Kamold has bought from them before with no issues. I have since acquired a copy of WinElsa VAG software that has highlighted the location of the module in the Tiguan (in the rear LHS of the roof panel) and where to attach the supplied wiring loom joins into the main wiring loom.
It is pretty simple with only 4 wires needing to be joined up. Unfortunately the ideal place to join them up I have already used to connect my 9w7 Bluetooth module. Once these 4 wires are connected, you then need to activate the module in the CANbus via VCDS as you would do for a Bluetooth or a MDI module.
It's a pretty cheap upgrade (about $50) if you have a VCDS cable which I have. May give it a try with the next Tiguan although I will probably pick up a RNS510 unit from our mate in Townsville which will use the GPS to display the direction in the MFD instead.
2011 147TSi 7spd DSG Reflex Silver, 18" New York Alloys, Leather with MDI, ECB Nudge Bar, Viezu Tune (Work in Progress), Eibach ProKit Springs, SuperPro Poly ALK & Rear Trailing Arm Bushes, H&R 26mm Rear ASB and Whiteline HD Adjustable End-Links, VAR Design 3" Downpipe, Sprint Booster, Auto-Polar FIS+ Advanced Module, GTI Sports Pedals, Flappy Paddle Strg Wheel, LED fogs as DRL, chrome blingy bits
Unfortunately not you have to remove the two CANinfo wires/pins from the plug and join two wires in there. The other two (+12v & earth) can be joined in virtually any where as they don't have to be twisted. The BT kit I got did not have a plug and I used this location to join the module into the main loom here. Maybe someone out there knows of an alternative location where one can access the CANbus info hi & lo circuit?
Took the plunge 3 weeks ago and ordered the module and door warning lights from the aforementioned.. Followed Tigger 73's post on the latter and installed them without any issues. I have created a cut and paste pdf from WinElsa instructions together with a couple of photos and tips when putting the door panels back and coding the lights. Anybody want a copy pm me.
The compass was a different issue as I had very little detailed instructions where to install the unit but did have a detailed circuit diagram that helped as to where to connect the unit to.
The supplied wiring loom was too short, fortunately the local dealer came to the party and supplied me with an unused trailer loom that I managed to salvage a pair of twisted pair of CANbus cables and power cable that I managed to join up to the MDI unit in the centre console.
Total time taken to do the job a day and half. Would I do it again...... No Just buy a gps and it will tell you the direction you are going! much easier!!! The only satisfaction is that I must have the only 2012 Tig in Aus with this feature for now
Last edited by Bambazonke; 22-02-2013 at 09:56 PM.
MY 21 T Cross 85TSI Life| Makena Turquoise | Driver Assist Package |
Mods: VCDS tweaks |
Kudos - you're a brave man
I think I'll give it a miss - me and electrics don't get along (almost burned quadbike to the ground doing simple UHF radio install)
2011 147TSi 7spd DSG Reflex Silver, 18" New York Alloys, Leather with MDI, ECB Nudge Bar, Viezu Tune (Work in Progress), Eibach ProKit Springs, SuperPro Poly ALK & Rear Trailing Arm Bushes, H&R 26mm Rear ASB and Whiteline HD Adjustable End-Links, VAR Design 3" Downpipe, Sprint Booster, Auto-Polar FIS+ Advanced Module, GTI Sports Pedals, Flappy Paddle Strg Wheel, LED fogs as DRL, chrome blingy bits