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Thread: Just traded the Jetta for a Tiggy!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Just traded the Jetta for a Tiggy!!

    Hi Guys, I've switched forums!! after being a Jetta lover for just over 2 years I have jumped ship to the Tiguan...... I absolutely loved the Jetta but I needed a tow vehicle for my recently purchased 5m alloy boat and didn't want to buy a toyota to tow it with.......soooooo, in the morning I will be stepping into my low km, late 09 model 125TSI manual and I can't wait.
    Just out of interest, does anyone else in here tow a boat with their tiggy?? would love to hear from you if you do..... my boat all up on the trailer weighs in at 1000kg.... as you all know tiggy rated to tow 2000kg.... just interested to hear from others.
    Tiggy 125TSI, 6 speed manual, tints, comfort pack.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Congradulations, mate! I'm sure you won't be disappointed...

    Would it be rude to ask what one would pay for a low km, late 09 model 125TSI manual ? I'm sure VW's would hold their value pretty well...
    Current: MY18 TRANSPORTER CrewVan, Indium Grey
    Previous: MY10 Tiguan 2.0TSI, Silver Leaf, APR StgII tune + many mod's

  3. #3
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    It's got 18,000km on it, absolutely spotless, got it for $32k + $1600 towbar (being fitted) = total $33.6k.
    Tiggy 125TSI, 6 speed manual, tints, comfort pack.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Northern NSW

    congrats and welcome to the tig forum. Thats retained its value really well and sure you will love it.

    We tow with ours but nothing that heavy, only about half that weight. Others here do though.

    The standard 125 tsi is a great motor and certainly better for towing than many of the competitors due to greater torque especially low in the rev range. If you intend to do a lot of towing though, I'd recommend doing the APR stage 1 upgrade. That lifts torque peak to 400nM which is just awesome. For example I was recently pulling our trailer at about 450kg up a hill on a dirt road at just 55klm/hr in fifth (about 1400rpm) no problems at all.
    Tiguan TSI Catalina blue, Manual

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    merewether, new south wales

    i asked a similar question recently
    2011 Tiguan 147TSi DSG, Silver Leaf, BiXenon, 18"s, ACC, leather, tow pack, bluetooth, now in the shed !!
    2007 Golf GTi Reflex Silver DSG, other worthy but aircooled German cars...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hi Guys, thanks for the comments, I have also being investigating the APR for the tig, although I won't be towing too far (as the boat ramps are close) the extra grunt will be great..... I do plan to travel up to 3 hours north and south in the summer months with the boat but it would only be around 3 -4 times a year when I do travel these distances.... other than that just local stuff.
    I'll see how I go after a few launches and retrievals with the boat before I decide if the APR is must.... no doubt with me being a modder I probably will do it.
    Tiggy 125TSI, 6 speed manual, tints, comfort pack.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Northern NSW
    Creniac you're welcome and looking at one of the recent postrs on the twoing thread, great to see you have the manual (DSG's looking like they aren't working out so well on boat ramps!)

    Not sure if this is a fair or how whehter the 125 would have doner stock anyway, but as a guide with APR stage 1, it will happily idle along in 4th gear and then pull away from idle in 4th without struggle, as long as you dont expect too much initially (ie aren't heavy on the throttle). First car I've ever had that has been able to do that though I must admit I haven't tried it much in other cars, would never have occured to me as possible)!
    Tiguan TSI Catalina blue, Manual

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creniac View Post
    ... before I decide if the APR is must.... no doubt with me being a modder I probably will do it.
    lets see now - 125kW, 280Nm v. 280kw, 400Nm? With the remap, you wouldn't even know you had a boat on the back!

    It's a no-brainer Creniac. Forgetting the hp increase, the added torque alone is worth every cent! From a good performer to something really out of the box
    Last edited by clip; 21-04-2011 at 06:39 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by clip View Post
    lets see now - 125kW, 280Nm v. 280kw, 400Nm? With the remap, you wouldn't even know you had a boat on the back!

    It's a no-brainer Creniac. Forgetting the hp increase, the added torque alone is worth every cent! From a good performer to something really out of the box
    Totally agree, even my dad believes in the remap. I get a smile on my face every day - the best being a few weeks ago with a family + full kit of luggage; overtaking was a dream!
    MY10 Tiguan 125TSI | Pearl Black | Manual | Comfort Pack | Kamei Eyelids | MDI | Not Leather | Rubber Floor Mats | Kids | Random Spillage | VWWatercooled Sticker | APR stage I | H & R springs | ECB nudge bar

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by clip View Post
    lets see now - 125kW, 280Nm v. 280kw, 400Nm...?
    Don't get too excited, i think this should read 180kw... Maybe 190 (stage I)?? Cant recall the exact figure. Still, on top of my 'to do' list, though... 15000k service due in another thousand, probably as good a time as any...
    Current: MY18 TRANSPORTER CrewVan, Indium Grey
    Previous: MY10 Tiguan 2.0TSI, Silver Leaf, APR StgII tune + many mod's

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