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Thread: Issue with DSG 7 speed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Issue with DSG 7 speed

    I have a 2011 Tiguan 125TSI with the 7 speed DSG. When it starts cold, you can hear a noise that sounds like a bad gear change when going from 3th to 4th, and 4th to 5th. It almost sounds like changing gears in a manual car without clutch completely depressed. It has been there since I got the car brand new, but recently it seems to be getting worse.

    Once the engine gets warm, the sound goes away and gear changes are smooth.

    I've asked the VW dealer about the sound and they tell me it is normal. Is this right?
    Does anyone else have similar experience with their Tiguans?

    The problem is it is very hard to demonstrate to VW the issue since it may happen only once when the engine is cold. I've left it with the dealer overnight and they were able to reproduce it in the morning... but again, they tell me this is normal.


  2. #2
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    Our Tig with 7spDSG 103TDI is smooth as silk cold or hot, driven in the city traffic 99% of the time. Ask the dealer to demonstrate "the normal on another Tiguan", to prove the "normal".

  3. #3
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    Thanks... can't help but wonder if this may be related to the recent recall of DSG vehicles.

    Will pursue with VW.

  4. #4
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    The DSG in your Tiguan is not part of this recall.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    The DSG in your Tiguan is not part of this recall.
    I find it interesting that my BIL in NZ was called by their dealer to bring their Tiguan in for a mechatronics replacement - he had not reported any issues to the dealer.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    I find it interesting that my BIL in NZ was called by their dealer to bring their Tiguan in for a mechatronics replacement - he had not reported any issues to the dealer.
    The recall in NZ is for the DQ200 DSG box NOT the Tiguan's gearbox. If somebody got the recall from their dealer it's their dealer that's got it wrong. I have an email from VW NZ on the recall and it does NOT include Tiguans.

    2022 R-Line Golf Mk8 in Kings Red Metallic
    Previously 3 Tiguans 2008, 2013, 2017

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by NZTiguan View Post
    The recall in NZ is for the DQ200 DSG box NOT the Tiguan's gearbox. If somebody got the recall from their dealer it's their dealer that's got it wrong. I have an email from VW NZ on the recall and it does NOT include Tiguans.

    Yes, I realise that, thanks.

    I was making the comment that dealers are not sure themselves what the hell is going on. So, how do customers have any chance.

    The muddy water by VW is not clearing up and a pathetic email letter does nothing.

    Edit - oh and don't for one moment think this is the end of things. The heat will continue on VW for the other DSG units. Have a false neutral in heavy traffic and then see how you feel. My new R had one with a few months of picking it up. Sure, the dealer was great and replaced the mechatronics unit - SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED ON A +$50K VEHICLE and there has been no guarantee it won't happen again - others have had multiple false neutrals, even after having the mech unit replaced. Quite separate from shuddering, abrupt changes and the plethora of other issues with the DSG (plus injectors)
    Last edited by Candyman; 18-06-2013 at 11:01 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    The DSG in your Tiguan is not part of this recall.
    I called the VW hotline earlier today and they confirmed that the Tiguan is not part of the recall. Will have to pursue as a separate exercise. Thanks.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozTiguan View Post
    I have a 2011 Tiguan 125TSI with the 7 speed DSG. When it starts cold, you can hear a noise that sounds like a bad gear change when going from 3th to 4th, and 4th to 5th. It almost sounds like changing gears in a manual car without clutch completely depressed. It has been there since I got the car brand new, but recently it seems to be getting worse.
    One thing to remember is that the actual changing of gears occurs well before the "change" as in a normal manual gearbox. So, if it was the synchro/baulk ring problem, you would be hearing it well before you actually changed to the next ratio up or down. All that happens when you believe you change gears is the clutches swap.

    This does not mean you are not having a genuine problem, just that any issue is with the clutches and how they are swapping and not the actual gear selection.

    Because of the "cold" issue, it might be worthwhile trying to record the sound and then playing it back to the dealer.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by wai View Post
    One thing to remember is that the actual changing of gears occurs well before the "change" as in a normal manual gearbox. So, if it was the synchro/baulk ring problem, you would be hearing it well before you actually changed to the next ratio up or down. All that happens when you believe you change gears is the clutches swap.

    This does not mean you are not having a genuine problem, just that any issue is with the clutches and how they are swapping and not the actual gear selection.

    Because of the "cold" issue, it might be worthwhile trying to record the sound and then playing it back to the dealer.
    Thanks Wai... that is actually a good point. That said, could it be engaging the gear up that is causing the noise? so if I see 3, it is actually the 4th that is the problem. And 4, the 5th.

    I was thinking the exact same thing to record the sound for them as it otherwise could be a little hit and miss. Cheers...


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