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Thread: Huge vibrations in tiguan!! Help!!

  1. #61
    Join Date
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    I was about to order a set and thought I would do another search on the forum.
    Sorry to hear about your experiences, but thanks for posting, as you may have saved me a lot of problems

    - Michael
    mk VI GTI, manual, reflex silver, basic

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Camden NSW
    Thread Starter
    Hey guys!

    After all these weeks, I stil have not got my money back!!!

    Now he wants me to come back so he can "cut the bolts down a few mms...." Can you beleive this!!??

    I am so tempted to post the name of the tyre shop again so you can all see who not to go to. (but I know that wouldnt be in the spirit of this site)

    Well, today is another day. I will go back again, and remind him firmly that the whole thing has been crap, and I want the money back now. He has had the wheels and tyres now for the last few weeks anyway. I have not even been using them since the issues started.!
    2018 Ralyee Green RS wagon. Fully optioned.
    Previous vehicles:2015 Volvo V60 Polestar (my one detour from VW/Skoda!)
    2013 Platin grey RS wagon / 2012 White Polo GTI / 2009 Black 125 Tiguan

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Time to mention the ACCC and their legal obligations.

  4. #64
    Join Date
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    Man that is a horrible bit of luck.
    I would suggest that you look into ACCC or Fair Trading.

    I would be after my money back, not having some guy cut the bolts down, which doesn't sound like it would be asuitable remedy or safe.

  5. #65
    Join Date
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    Camden NSW
    Thread Starter the guys has gone on a weeks holiday!

    Apparantly "no one else can authorise a refund in his absence!!"
    2018 Ralyee Green RS wagon. Fully optioned.
    Previous vehicles:2015 Volvo V60 Polestar (my one detour from VW/Skoda!)
    2013 Platin grey RS wagon / 2012 White Polo GTI / 2009 Black 125 Tiguan

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    you're being taken for a ride mate.
    Go see the manager of the business and tell him you will lodge a formal complaint with the ACCC if you don't get your money back on the spot.
    And don't let them touch you car/wheels ever again either.

    cut and paste from ACCC website

    Your statutory rights
    Every time you purchase goods and services, you are entering into a contract with the seller. The Trade Practices Act implies certain promises into all consumer contracts that you make, which are often referred to as your 'statutory rights'. They could also be referred to as implied warranties and conditions.

    Statutory rights are your rights by law and cannot be refused, changed or limited by the seller.

    There are two type of statutory rights—statutory conditions and statutory warranties. For most consumers, the difference between conditions and warranties only becomes important when a decision is being made about the appropriate remedy if something goes wrong.

    You will find more about remedies (such as repairs, exchanges and refunds) in this section.

    Statutory conditions are the essential terms of a contract—they 'make or break' the deal. If a statutory condition is breached, you may be entitled to a refund.
    Statutory warranties are also important, but they are not regarded by law as essential terms of the contract. Breaking a statutory warranty may, however, give rise to other remedies.

    Statutory conditions (goods)
    The Trade Practices Act implies the following statutory conditions into consumer contracts:

    The goods must be of merchantable quality. That is, they must meet a basic level of quality and performance, taking into account their price and description. They also should be free from defects that were not obvious to you at the time of purchase. The goods must be fit for their purpose. That is, they should do what they are supposed to do and be suitable for any purpose that you might have made known to the supplier.
    The goods must match the description you were given or the sample you chose from. For example, any carpet laid must be the same quality and colour as the sample you chose from.
    You must receive clear title to the goods, including goods bought at auction. In other words, you can expect to own the goods outright and any restriction on ownership should be explained to you beforehand.

    And most importantly, link to what you can do about it Resolving Problems Linkage

    Print some or all of this off, or print the publications off at the bottom of the link above and wave it at the manager.
    Last edited by Glennb; 17-05-2010 at 05:20 PM. Reason: speelink

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Soutbank, Victoria
    I think you should post the name of the tyre shop to prevent other people from similar problems!

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glennb View Post
    you're being taken for a ride mate.
    Go see the manager of the business and tell him you will lodge a formal complaint with the ACCC if you don't get your money back on the spot.
    And don't let them touch you car/wheels ever again either.

    cut and paste from ACCC website

    And most importantly, link to what you can do about it Resolving Problems Linkage

    Print some or all of this off, or print the publications off at the bottom of the link above and wave it at the manager.
    Do this!
    Make sure you let them know you will go ahead with it if you do not get your moeny back immediately.

    It's not your fault that he "went on holiday" in order to avoid your refund claim for dodgy products.

  9. #69
    Join Date
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    Thanks again all.

    yep I have tried to be more than reasonable throughout all of this. I spoke with him today (as he got back from holiday early). He said he will refund or excahnge the problem. (as he will get a refund from the wheels place)
    BUT....He will not refund the tyres, because he cant get his money back from the tyre suppliers as they have been "used".

    I replied: "not my problem. Try getting your wheel place to compensate you etc...again though...not my problem."

    He has asked me to see if there are any other 18" wheels in all the catalougues etc. I cant find onbe that I like that he can get in for the Tig.

    So back to square one, he wont budge on the refund because he will be out of pocket for the tyres.

    I will follow the suggestions you have all offered thanks.

    Hey (moderaters) Is it appropriate to post the name of the retailer on our site to let you all know who to avoid? I dont usually go for the bad-mouthing tack, but not sure this time. thanks
    2018 Ralyee Green RS wagon. Fully optioned.
    Previous vehicles:2015 Volvo V60 Polestar (my one detour from VW/Skoda!)
    2013 Platin grey RS wagon / 2012 White Polo GTI / 2009 Black 125 Tiguan

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigger View Post
    Thanks again all.
    Hey (moderators) Is it appropriate to post the name of the retailer on our site to let you all know who to avoid? I dont usually go for the bad-mouthing tack, but not sure this time. thanks
    I wouldn't recommend that. You can always send multiple PM's to many members at once.

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