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Thread: How to track the car you've ordered. THINGS TO CHECK WHEN PICKING UP A NEW TIGUAN.

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince_S View Post
    Good catches! My new one is due in the next week or two, so I think i'll be making a checklist to take down as well.. just in case
    Vince, how did you go picking up your new Tig. Anything you noticed? Did you end up taking your checklist? If so I'd love to know what you had on it so I can add it to mine.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralp2dam View Post
    Great piece of advice I'll add it to my list along with getting the nav disc? Do you have any other tips for people picking up their new Tig?
    Make sure you give them the heads up about wanting the code when picking up the car.

    Just don't mention or ask for it on the actual day itself!

    Unfortunately, it's not something you or they can just simply retrieve by hooking up a cable to the car.
    AFAIK, it's on their order system based on a lookup of VIN and serial number of the head unit.

    This way ... they'll have time to look it up on their system.

    I'd also suggest that the motivation to look it up for you rapidly diminishes after they receive cheque in hand.

    Anyhow, I'm hoping that if enough people heed this advice and bug their dealers for it ... then it'll become instilled into their brains enough to become a "permanent" pre-delivery step.
    Last edited by aussietig; 14-05-2011 at 02:08 PM.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussietig View Post
    Make sure you give them the heads up about wanting the code when picking up the car.

    Just don't mention or ask for it on the actual day itself!

    Unfortunately, it's not something you or they can just simply retrieve by hooking up a cable to the car.
    AFAIK, it's on their order system based on a lookup of VIN and serial number of the head unit.

    This way ... they'll have time to look it up on their system.

    I'd also suggest the motivation to look it up for you diminishes dramatically after they receive cheque in hand.

    I'm hoping that if enough people heed this advice and bug them for it ... then it'll become instilled into their brains and become a "permanent" pre-delivery step.
    Aussietig, I'll heed your advice and contact my dealer. I agree that they will definitely not work as hard for you once they've got their money. Thanks for your tips is much appreciated.

  4. #24
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    Just some friendly advice for when you discover you didn't get an iPod cable with your MDI and need to buy one:
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  5. #25
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    I was advised by the dealer to check the battery terminals connections - which I just did.
    I recommend everyone does this - the nuts on the bolts that clamp the terminals were loose - not even finger tight !
    A problem waiting to happen !
    Check the toolkit contents - missing from mine "Wire hook for pulling off the centre cover, wheel covers and the wheel bolt caps"
    So far so good - 700 Klms.

    MY11 Tiguan * 103TDI * Candy White * DSG

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jctee View Post
    I was advised by the dealer to check the battery terminals connections - which I just did.
    I recommend everyone does this - the nuts on the bolts that clamp the terminals were loose - not even finger tight !
    A problem waiting to happen !
    A bit confused with this!

    Didn't you pay dealer delivery?

    Did they forget or just couldn't be bothered to rectify this problem themselves, during pre-delivery?
    Last edited by aussietig; 09-06-2011 at 08:22 AM.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussietig View Post
    A bit confused with this!

    Didn't you pay dealer delivery?

    Did they forget or just couldn't be bothered to rectify this problem themselves, during pre-delivery?
    To save you any more confusion - here's the story - for everyone else as well !
    The dealer was 1400 kilometres away. I sourced the car on at a dealer in southern NSW and had it trucked to Brisbane. That was cheaper than for me to fly down and pick it up.
    This was the car that I wanted - and I wanted it "NOW" (that was on 6 May). I had some photos and description of the car. Other dealers had similar cars, - always "on the way".
    The car is standard.
    After researching the dealer, and after I was notified the car was on the way, I paid fully by bank transfer - but before I received the car.

    I am still in contact with the dealer - I have not yet returned the "Vehicle Delivery Checklist". Obviously the dealer did a poor inspection before sending the car on the truck.
    Main items/problems on delivery were:- 1. only half a tank of diesel (since paid for) 2. the "Tyre Pressure Plate" (inside tank flap) was missing. 3. "Wire hook for pulling off the centre cover, wheel covers and the wheel bolt caps" - missing from tool kit.
    The fact that the car was delivered to my front footpath before 6.30am - with 2 windows down - keys on top of RHF wheel - and I was not notified that the car was there - was a little annoying. I found the car on the way to work. The footpath is not visible from inside the house.
    I was told later there were 2 trucking companies involved. The car was in good shape.
    I paid for the Queensland registration/insurance after the car was delivered. There is no Roadworthy Certificate required in Qld for a car which has not been previously registered - I had been told otherwise.

    More annoying was the fact that I had arranged with the dealer for the car to go to a Car Broker for a cleanup and Qld registration. I was then to go and collect the car at the Car Broker - this did not happen as the second trucking company (or someone) decided to send the car to my home address instead.

    This post originated because during one of our telephone conversations, the dealer told me of other cars that had found loose nuts/clamps on the battery terminals. I was passing that on to others.
    Including road freight, the total cost was $43274.90 on road.

    It has been a learning experience - that ended well. 950 klm so far - and I'm reading all the "running in" forum posts.

    MY11 Tiguan * 103TDI * Candy White * DSG

  8. #28
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    I don't want to sound mean, but I'm glad that I bought our Tig from my local dealer Solitaire Automotive. It was a great experience and everything was spot on incl. full tank of diesel. Great people to do the business with.

  9. #29
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    Is that a free plug ?

  10. #30
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    Am yet to be given an ETA or VIN number, but have been told it's on the water. What are people's experiences in terms of delivery times from when it was "on the boat" until you got it? 3 weeks, 4 weeks , 5 weeks?? Longer?

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