The Tiguan runs a Gen4 Haldex controller and this unit controls the amount of torque that is transferred to the rear wheels. I recently upgraded my Haldex Controller to a Haldex Performance controller and although it doesn't make a large difference to day-to-day driving there is quite a noticeable change to the handling on more spirited drives.
So I thought I'd include an install guide here for the controller plus information on how to perform an oil change on the Haldex unit. Haldex oil should be changed every 60,000km, however when you swap controllers you will lose some oil so you should either top up the amount you lost or consider doing an oil change at the same time.
You'll require a few standard tools for this job - 4mm, 5mm and 8mm hex keys. Plus you'll also need a short throw 4mm hex tool and a syringe:
Haldex Controller Upgrade
To replace the controller unplug the electrical connectors on top of the controller. You can get a screw driver in where marked and twist to undo these clips (may not be the recommended procedure but it works):
Next undo the 2 x 4mm hex bolts holding the controller to the body of the Haldex coupling.
Remove the controller.
The Haldex control solenoid may remain stuck inside the Haldex coupling. If this occurs, you will need to gently persuade the solenoid (vice grips with a cloth) to remove it. Be warned that as soon as this is removed, a small amount of Haldex oil will come out so position a spill tray underneath when you do this step.
Haldex solonoid removed:
If you're going to attempt to replace without refilling/topping up your Haldex oil, you will need to be ready to insert the new Haldex controller assembly immediately after the solenoid is removed.
Finally re-install the 2 x 4mm bolts and re-attach the 2 x electrical connectors.
Install complete!
Haldex Oil Change
Undo the 5mm hex screw (fill point).
Position your oil pan under the drain point and then use an 8mm hex tool to remove the drain bolt:
Once all oil is drained, reinstall the 8mm hex drain bolt. Use the syringe to refill the Haldex coupling with fresh Haldex oil. Stop when oil starts coming back out the fill point.
Reinstall the 5mm hex screw (fill point). You may need to drive around the block and check fluid levels again. Likely if you've changed the controller you will have lost oil from further inside the coupling. Check the amount of oil that has come out vs. how much you've put in is the same. You may need to top up at this point to make sure you have replaced all fluids. If you're like me and used a syringe then you'll likely have lost a few ml in the process too.
Job done!
Haldex Filter Replacement
I didn't do it this time around as I only found this information later, however there is also a filter for the Gen4 controller. I asked VW service about this at the time and they said there was no filter. Had this repeated a couple of places... but I still didn't believe it.
Anyway the Gen4 Haldex filter kit is available from a couple of places:
Nuespeed: Haldex Gen 4 Filter Replacement Kit
HSTuning: HS Tuning - Haldex Gen 4 Filter Replacement Kit - HALDEX.111358
I will definitely be doing this one on next oil change.