Hi Phalynx,
I was in a Black 103TDI Tig (QLD rego) and was at O'Reillys yesterday also. I parked next to a Gold Tig with VIC plates in the Carpark at the Guesthouse/Cafe, so it may well have been us that you saw!
We left Brissy at 7am and were up there by just on 9am. Totally agree with going up in the morning and back in the arvo - we had hardly any traffic other than doing a lot of pulling over on the way down to let cars coming up get through, in addition to a large Britz Campervan that pulled over trying to do 'the right thing' but did so on a very narrow section - blocked the road pretty much both ways until I pointed it out to him and he moved on.
One problem we DID encounter on the way up the hill was a herd of rather stubborn Cows & Bulls that stood their ground for quite some time and refused to budge - I thought about edging through them slowly, then looked at the horns on some of them and imagined them getting p*&sed off and ramming the Tig - I don't know how I'd explain 'horn damage' to the insurance company!
Totally agree that it was a great drive - first time our Tig has done anything other than highway cruising or commuting (just over 3000kms on the clock), and it handled it brilliantly.
Maybe we'll see you up there again some time!
Happy trails)