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Thread: Good News

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag

    Hmm, maybe the things have changed since 2007.
    The difference must be when you're given the VIN, than they can sell the car you ordered to someone else.

  2. #12
    well, I checked with my deal last week and was told the status is schedule for production and was also told that the delivery would be around October or November. I placed the order in June and it has been nearly 2 months and the production hasn't even started. I wouldn't hold my breath to be honest to expect the car in November. I think most likely I will get her early next year

    oh well it is still worth the waiting....the bad thing is that the interest rate will probably go up in the end of the year.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    I just go my VIN today and ETA is between end october to early November. The dealer told me that they allow approx 8 weeks from the time it is loaded on the ship. Normally takes approx 4w to arrive and the rest is through customs and delivery/fitout.
    Tiguan Tdi Auto

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