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Don't think so.
Our Captiva took the high flo nozzle I'm sure. It was a tight fit but it went in (as the actress said to the bishop-boomtish). That was one of the reasons we went away from diesel - got sick of standing in a filthy truck fill area getting crap on shoes & hands.
hahaha.... I've heard of people deciding to go to a diesel car or vice versa... but never because of the size of the fuel nozzle hole....???
I've had diesel cars for years and never got fuel on my clothes etc... You see more and more diesel pumps now at service stations, yes some are high-flow truck pumps, but there's a stack of them located in the car aisles too.
2010 Candy White TDI Auto, black leather, bi-Xenons + fogs, DVD plus other gadgets and gizmos to keep the kids quiet!