Well, not such a long wait after all. Ordered my 132 Pacific on March 11 and picked it up yesterday (April 30). It was unloaded at Port Kembla on the 15th April, so all in all not too bad.
I've only driven it from the dealer to home so far, about 50kms but it seems fantastic so far! I've been busily reading the manuals (like War and Peace) and it is now obvious how many little things I wasn't aware of which are terrific options. I just have to remember how to use them!
Despite previous problems I've read on the forum regarding Bluetooth connectivity for Android phones, my Samsung Galaxy Ace paired up and operated perfectly first time. Phone books loaded and all. Very happy about that.
One question about iPod and MDI please.....it all works brilliantly, however I don't see how I can "turn off" the iPod when I leave the car without removing the iPod from the centre console, disconnecting the cable and physically turning the iPod off. Am I missing something here? Is there a way to turn it off from the car controls? Just a small issue, but I'm sure someone will have an answer.
So excited - going for a spin before work..
Cheers all, and if anyone has advice re the iPod matter I'd sure appreciate it.