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Thread: Engine oil

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Engine oil

    I need to top-up engine oil on my 125TSI.

    User's Manual says use VW50400 for longlife service, or VW50200 for shortlife service.
    As could be expected, no explanation as to what my car comes under.
    Google search shows Longlife as 30,000km, so on that basis I shoud use VW50200.

    Now, the questions -

    Does it really matter if I use 50200 or 50400? Would it be harmfull to mix the two? How do I know what is in the car now?

    Any feedback would be appreciated.


  2. #2
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    You can mix them when you top up, there is no problem with that. How ever the best oil for your engine is VW504.00 oil, since it will give better protection and no nasty deposits in the engine like oil sludge and varnish, resin build up. Also remember that miner oils brake down faster than synthetic especially when driving under severe driving conditions.

  3. #3
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    I had to top up my 125 TSI recently, almost on 7500km. I rang VW roadside assistance and they told me you can use any 5W30 or 5W40 fully synthetic oil. They prefer it if you use 5W30. I found a 1L bottle of Castrol Edge Sport. Cost me $21.00

  4. #4
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    I mentioned that so often here you can use Penrite Enviro+ 5W30 (VW504.00/507.00 approved) it is made overseas and 5L will cost you around $65 if you shop around. I use Penrite oils and ELF oils in my workshop and would use Penrite Enviro+ 5W30 in our Touareg with confidence.

  5. #5
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    Thank you all.

    From memory my Tiguan has done about 8500 and the level is just at the bottom of the middle section. Probably no drama, but may as well put 1/2 litre in.

    I was mainly concerned about mixing the fully synthetic 50400 with whatever is in.

    BTW, VW Customer Service answered my question - they do not know. What are they there for?

    Regarding Castrol Edge - I read somewhere that specifications are different in different countries. What about genuine VW? Is it too expensive? What do the VW service places use?


  6. #6
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    I have had to top up my tiguan 125tsi at about 5000 kms. the dip stick was showing about half way.

    i have talked to my dealer and they said to top up with 5W-30. They didnt say anything about mineral or synthetic oil. i have topped up with Castrol Edge (Full Synthetic) 5W-30 that i had some left over from my oil change on my other car.

    So far so good.

  7. #7
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    What do folks think about going 15000k's before the 1st oil & filter change? I thought it too long for the 1st one, so did it myself at 1500. Will go with the 15000 interval from here on in, though.
    Interesting was the guy behind the parts counter told me they were recommending 1500k's to new customers until they got a rap over the knuckles from VW...

    Also, what are people finding to be an optimal oil temp? (as displayed on the MFD). I'm usually around 100-104.
    Thanks & cheers, Matt
    Last edited by MGV; 18-09-2010 at 09:24 AM. Reason: thought of another question...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MGV View Post

    What do folks think about going 15000k's before the 1st oil & filter change? I thought it too long for the 1st one, so did it myself at 1500. Will go with the 15000 interval from here on in, though.
    Interesting was the guy behind the parts counter told me they were recommending 1500k's to new customers until they got a rap over the knuckles from VW...

    Also, what are people finding to be an optimal oil temp? (as displayed on the MFD). I'm usually around 100-104.
    Thanks & cheers, Matt
    Let us know if you have any engine problems (issues) in relation to the first oil change well before manufacturer recommended oil change interval. I'm sure others would want to hear.
    P.S. I drained Tig's factory oil at 1048km, and a new filter of course. Also inserted magnet in the oil drain plug.

    I have suspicions that this oil filter was a bit out of shape in there, for whatever reason.

    Here is a French made OEM filter bought from VW

    100-104 deg. C oil temp. is normal for gentle driving under normal conditions.

    Is your Tig TDI or TSI?
    Last edited by Transporter; 20-09-2010 at 12:30 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    Let us know if you have any engine problems (issues) in relation to the first oil change well before manufacturer recommended oil change interval. I'm sure others would want to hear.

    Is your Tig TDI or TSI?
    Transporter, now you made me feel like i did something wrong, what issues would i expect from doing this? I only want to get the most out of my beloved Tig & don't mind doing additional oil changes to treat the engine well. Have thought about more frequent changes (7500 or even 10000, but also know engine & oil technology is way better than 20 or even 10 years ago... I did my old hilux's (2.4 petrol) oil & filter every 5000 & it still wasn't using oil between changes after 455000k's!
    It's a TSI, btw...

    cheers, Matt

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MGV View Post
    Transporter, now you made me feel like i did something wrong, what issues would i expect from doing this? I only want to get the most out of my beloved Tig & don't mind doing additional oil changes to treat the engine well. Have thought about more frequent changes (7500 or even 10000, but also know engine & oil technology is way better than 20 or even 10 years ago... I did my old hilux's (2.4 petrol) oil & filter every 5000 & it still wasn't using oil between changes after 455000k's!
    It's a TSI, btw...

    cheers, Matt
    Sorry, that wasn't my intension.

    To my best knowledge, cleaner the oil is, better for the engine, today or 20 years ago, it doesn't matter. I believe that todays engine could last much longer if they would get oil change as often as engines 20 years ago. But, that wouldn't be good for economy.

    Just imagine the secondhand car driving really well after 15 years...

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