It was a nice sunny day on a long weekend. All jobs done. Too much time on my hands. A bit of a slow news day on the Tiguan thread so I thought I'd open up some discussion on debadging/rebadging.
Recently debadged my car to give a nice clean boot:
Now considering putting something back on.... jury is out at the moment
or maybe
or perhaps
now this is getting a little silly...
So I'm laying down the challenge to anyone that can come up with anything better... winner gets the honour and glory of having their badge idea on my boot!!!
So the letters available are: T, I, G, U, A, N, T, S, I (red) oh and if you like you can use the 2.0.
I'd even consider cutting the 0 off the 2.0 to make the letter "O" but obviously this is a one-way option.
Anyone coming up with a 9 letter word wins a VWWatercooled sticker.