Just noticed the Yeti front blades falling apart. Took them off to see how easy it would be to just do the blade. Looked like a standard old fashioned wiper refill would probably fit. The originals have an extra wide back. Got some Trico refills with the stainless steel strips on the sides. Don't need those strips, but the blades are very similar shape to the original. Never had a problem with Trico rubber.
This site was useful for orientation. Changing VW Wiper blades
Current arms are slightly different design at the ends. The screwdriver in the end when levered twists the two springy strips slightly off the plastic hooks on the end cap, which are rigid (so don't try to bend the plastic). Easy to remove both end caps. Used armor all on the rubber aerofoil to rejuvenate and the blade to help lubricate, since it was a snug fit.
So now got new rubber on the wiper arms, reused the old wiper arms.
$5 for the pair of Trico refills (TTR610) from a bargain shop! Normally $10-15 a pair.
Will be doing the Polo tomorrow if the blades are looking shabby. (Pretty sure I haven't paid to have them swapped out yet at 6yrs still going! Often drive without wipers using RainX.)
Plan B would be to use the Bosch aero blades. (But the only really vulnerable part on the original is the aerofoil rubber.)