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Thread: Coolant

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Mitchelton, Qld


    Does anyone know where you can the coolant for Tiggy from (other than the dealer). I got this from another thread so I'm assuming the price is from VW, but would be interested if anyone knows where else you can get the specified coolant from. Apologies if this has been covered in another thread. I did look in the care sheet info thread but couldn't see it in there.

    Coolant G12 Plus Plus
    VW $20-$25 for 1.5L Concentrate

  2. #2
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    Other than from the dealer would be from your dealer.
    Reason for that is, because it's cheap. It's 1.5L not 1L and it is a concentrate, it will make 3L when diluted 50:50 and use only distilled or demineralized water (very important). For once only top up when you need only small amount (200ml), use distilled water. But next top up if needed should be concentrate or correct mixture.

  3. #3
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    Just got the warning light come on with low coolant level indicator. So should I just whack in some distalled water to the coolant reservoir and then just wait until the 30,000k service (which is only 1,000ks away)?

  4. #4
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    Probably the fastest solutions, let them check the coolant concentration, as it looks to me that the factory fill is 40% ratio. I'd like to keep it between 50%-60% (no more, the coolant will boil at less than100deg.C if it gets to over65%).

  5. #5
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    Sorry to dig up an old thread... I just bought a bottle of G12 plus plus... and i'm just wondering if I need to dilute it... I'm getting mixed messages, I bought the bottle from Audi, and I walked past a service looking guy and asked him if I need to dilute it, and he said no... but from what i've read most people say yes, you need to dilute it... if so ratio %?

  6. #6
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by johndoe View Post
    Sorry to dig up an old thread... I just bought a bottle of G12 plus plus... and i'm just wondering if I need to dilute it... I'm getting mixed messages, I bought the bottle from Audi, and I walked past a service looking guy and asked him if I need to dilute it, and he said no... but from what i've read most people say yes, you need to dilute it... if so ratio %?
    It should be shown on the bottle whether it needs diluting or not.

    Do you get the concentrate or ready-mix?
    Can you give us a part number? Has 9 characters and starts with the letter G...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel_vert View Post
    It should be shown on the bottle whether it needs diluting or not.

    Do you get the concentrate or ready-mix?
    Can you give us a part number? Has 9 characters and starts with the letter G...
    The part number is G012A8GM1 G12 plus plus

    It does have instructions on the back but in German... the photo indicates only places with minus celcius...

  8. #8
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    It is concentrate, mix it 1:1 with distilled water (do not use tap water, bore or rain water!).

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by johndoe View Post
    The part number is G012A8GM1 G12 plus plus

    It does have instructions on the back but in German... the photo indicates only places with minus celcius...

    You've bought 1.5 litres of concentrate, so you need to dilute it with demineralised water (you can buy it from any car parts retailer).

    The minimum coolant concentration needs to be at least 40% (protects down to -25°C). Otherwise the corrosion, scaling and rust inhibitors won't be able to do their jobs properly.

    A concentration of 50% protects down to -35°C.

    The maximum concentration should be 60% (protects down to -40°C). Going over this will impair both frost and cooling capabilities of the coolant.

    I'd recommend a concentration of between 40% - 50%.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    It is concentrate, mix it 1:1 with distilled water (do not use tap water, bore or rain water!).
    Thanks transporter... but where do you get distilled water... bottled water in Sydney aren't "distilled" it's just purified... is that ok? or do I have to use "distilled" water from say the laundry section?


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