Some VW have a towing pack and the module is in one of the rear corners. DO NOT go DYI if you arent sure of what you are doing especially if your car has parking sensors etc
Which brake controller did you buy as there are good one ad absolute S++T ones still for sale.
You want a proportional controller like a Tekonsha P3 or Prodigy or a Redarc Tow Pro Elite. The cheap dial up brake pressure and hope are terrible despite the fact that someone will post they have had one for 40 years without trouble
VW have a module which disables the rear sensors and auto taildoor and it is advisable to use the factory one. It is not advised to tap into circuits anywhere as you may end up in a world of pain
Electric controllers have 4 wires Red to cold side of brake switch Blue to activate trailer brakes and always on pin 5 Black for power from battery
and White for earth.
Is universal across makes
Last edited by Hillbilly; 25-03-2020 at 05:19 PM.
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Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan