Installation complete - door lights and switches are all in and working.
A couple of pictures:
Strongly recommend getting the pre-made wires/connectors for the warning lights as it saves a lot of stuffing around. These come with the warning lights that I bought here: Door Warning Lights - Pair
Also if you purchase the bits from I suggest getting the following items:
Door Panel Clip (in case you bust a few getting the door panels off)
Cloth Webbed Adhesive Tape (useful for stopping wires rubbing / vibrating inside panels)
As far as installations go it was (reasonably) straight forward. The only problem I encountered was the ground connection on the connector for both front doors were already being used (pin 19). So I used pin 21 on the passenger front and ended up splicing into the wire in pin 19 on the drivers side (tried picking off another ground on connector "C" but this ended up not being a "proper" ground).
The other thing you'll find is the connectors for the front and rear doors are different so the connection cables have slightly different terminal connectors (1 vs 3 in photo):
The only thing left to do was to enable the safety lights in VCDS (info courtesy of user - M4RK0):
42-Door Elect Drive => Coding 07 => Software coding: Add 64
52-Door Elect Pass => Coding 07 => Software coding: Add 64
62-Door Rear Left => Coding 07 => Software coding: Add 64
72-Door Rear Right => Coding 07 => Software coding: Add 64
The Old code is 0000144 the New code adding 64 is 0000208
As soon as you click Do it! the lights should work.