Is it a golf?
Adelaide city to Echuca in Victoria. with two adults and luggage.
30 litres of diesel.
Need i say more.
Is it a golf?
Probably not in the Tiguan section. My mate just got 6.3 per 100 in his 1600 mk4 with wife 2 kids and gear for a week onboard.
What did the 30 litres work out to in ks/100? I mean L/100 of course!!
Last edited by h100vw; 10-05-2009 at 09:43 PM.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
63.75 mpg in a Tiguan. Impressive
Last edited by evorobin; 12-05-2009 at 08:17 PM.