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Thread: Battery Control Module on Negative Lead

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    North Yorkshire , UK
    Users Country Flag

    Battery Control Module on Negative Lead

    2011 Tiguan FWD, 2ltr Diesel.
    Getting a error code for over voltage, Battery module is suspect, but how can I test it ?.
    Have removed plug to it and ran the engine, done a scan and the error is not showing, would that suggest the the Battery Control Module has a fault ?.

    00447 - Function Limitation due to Over-Voltage
    001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00100001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 83
    Mileage: 189907 km
    Time Indication: 0
    Date: 2063.14.31
    Time: 13:52:58

    Freeze Frame:
    Term 15 On
    Voltage: 14.85 V

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Users Country Flag

    @spike47: Hi.

    First - let's look at the wiring diagram for the Battery Control Module on this car - which is called J367:

    As you can see - the 2 x pin connector on J367 connects the module to J533 and to a fuse. J533 is what a diagnostic device calls the (CAN) Gateway module - I suspect this is the module from which the SCAN snippet in your post was copied.

    Notice in my picture that I show the term "LIN bus". LIN is short for Local Interconnect Network - it's a low-speed, single-wire (as depicted in my diagram) communication protocol. In a LIN set-up there is a LIN master (in this case J533) and a number of LIN slaves (in this case the Alternator and J367).

    When you removed the 2 x pin connector from J367 (shown as T2 in my diagram) - surely the SCAN would have reported that J533 was no longer able to talk to J367?

    So, I can't answer your question because you have removed valuable data from your SCAN report and only posted a sub section of the diagnostic information. I'm not sure why folk keep doing this - maybe it's because they don't want to complicate their posts. However, there are many ways to read a SCAN report and the major advantage of a full report is that it gives the fault information context about the way that the ENTIRE car is built

    If you want to pursue this matter - post-up the FULL (meaning not edited) SCAN with the 2 x pin connector plugged into J367 (please). Again, don't edit ANY part of the report

    Last edited by DV52; 30-03-2024 at 09:33 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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