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Thread: Ah...Tigger needs a home

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Camden NSW

    Ah...Tigger needs a home

    Hey all,

    My Tig needs a new home... (new VW on the way...)
    anyone interested?

    Here is a link to the carsales ad:

    2009 VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN 125TSI 4-MOTION 5N MY10 Cars For Sale in NSW - CarPoint Australia

    2018 Ralyee Green RS wagon. Fully optioned.
    Previous vehicles:2015 Volvo V60 Polestar (my one detour from VW/Skoda!)
    2013 Platin grey RS wagon / 2012 White Polo GTI / 2009 Black 125 Tiguan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Users Country Flag
    Jeez, all the gen 1 owners are moving on to other vehicles.
    Aussie, NZ, MGV and I will be the only ones left soon.

    Hope it goes to a good home, the GTI styling should help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Camden NSW
    Thread Starter
    Thats my worry...I dont want it to go to some "family Taxi" role or home... (not that it would be my business I guess)

    I would love it to go to someone who loves their Tigs as I do..

    I am not out of love for it at all, or desperate to get rid of it. It is running better than ever. Just need the room and either this has to go, or my wifes car has to......

    Hope I dont regret this move!!??
    2018 Ralyee Green RS wagon. Fully optioned.
    Previous vehicles:2015 Volvo V60 Polestar (my one detour from VW/Skoda!)
    2013 Platin grey RS wagon / 2012 White Polo GTI / 2009 Black 125 Tiguan

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Oh what??? Another one...??
    Just out of curiosity Tigger, did u manage to get ur honey comb grill done?? I've been wanting to do that for my Tig but not sure if that Skoda one will fit in terms of how it curves.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
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    Good luck with the sale Tigger!

    At least you're still staying within the family.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Camden NSW
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    Hey Haywire Tig,

    Nah, I couldnt get the honeycombe grille done as I wanted. But I have had the Red stripe done better than before. Looks even better now.
    Well, I have not had much of a response from anyone re the sale from carsales...

    Looks like I am keeping it after all? I know my price is reasonable...but my kms are higher than many others.

    Polo GTI on the way...then perhaps new skoda octavia VRS if the new model is due soon...

    Not to worry. I will be happy to keep it longer if it doesnt get the right response.
    2018 Ralyee Green RS wagon. Fully optioned.
    Previous vehicles:2015 Volvo V60 Polestar (my one detour from VW/Skoda!)
    2013 Platin grey RS wagon / 2012 White Polo GTI / 2009 Black 125 Tiguan

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Your price on first look seems a bit high for the kms at least, but when I look at the extras, it's a good deal indeed.
    Did any buyer come and see the car? We recently sold our MY07 GolfTDI for the price we wanted but the first 2-3 weeks after we put the ad up, no one even came to look at it. Then, the first buyer came and he bought it. Just be patient.

    I would highlight the leather and the sunroof in that ad.
    Last edited by Transporter; 29-04-2012 at 08:28 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Camden NSW
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    Good suggestion Transporter. Thanks

    Yep it is the extras that may make it appealing. But so far no real interest...

    Oh well....
    2018 Ralyee Green RS wagon. Fully optioned.
    Previous vehicles:2015 Volvo V60 Polestar (my one detour from VW/Skoda!)
    2013 Platin grey RS wagon / 2012 White Polo GTI / 2009 Black 125 Tiguan

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Users Country Flag
    Just be wary and careful with those low life scum that SMS you saying they're interested in buying it right now.

    Usually the text is generated online and with no mobile number shown!

    They will give you an email address to reply back to them.

    Just put the email address straight into Google, and you'll quickly see whether they're genuine or a scam.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    I totally agree w AussieTig. Beware of those sms's that say they want to buy the car at a good price but they are overseas and are not here to inspect the ppty. All scams. They can even reply u when u text them back!!! Make sure u ask them to come inspect. If they say they can't, that's prbly a sign it's a scam unless u can speak to him/her in the phone n ascertain their credibility.

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