Alot of aftermarket headunits intentionally look un-stock. Perhaps if you want something less flashy, pick up a second hand old headunit??
Hi guys,
I'm looking around for a fairly stock looking head unit for a Mk4 but I want RCA outputs on it. Can people post up some pics of their centre console to give me some ideas...
I'm not a big fan of all the flashing lights and I quite like the stock look just want some more oomf!
Alot of aftermarket headunits intentionally look un-stock. Perhaps if you want something less flashy, pick up a second hand old headunit??
1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green
Look at some Blaupunkt decks they makes a number of factory looking units with plenty of features!
I had a clarion head with stacker when I bought the car,was GREEN,,didnt match the colours of car!!.
so I found at JB on sale a sony cdx - m8800 ,flip down cd head when closed,but blue lights when open.. looks very stockish.... im not big on ICE.
ICE is bad man look what it did to ben cousins!
Last edited by ScienceVR6; 14-06-2007 at 05:20 PM.
Im looking for a stock looking deck for my mates BMW 5 series, and the most stock looking ones out there tend to be blaupunkt. But the new ones are a little more flashy than the old ones.
Enough of the drug referances.n:
Blaupunkt still do a lot of very plain units. they good thing is many of them will also work with your factory steering wheel controls if you have them!
how was that a drug related post?ICE = In Car Entertainment
as far as I am aware,ICE is a European and USA term, used to describe in car entertainment.when I was 18,late 80's it wasnt called ICE,it was called your" deck".the slang term for amphetamines is "ice" and that is a aussie term.I was not referring to this.
Last edited by gpk_gti; 14-06-2007 at 06:30 PM.