Dont get me started about VW mapping.
I went to Surfers from north of Brissy on Sunday.
Nav kept saying in XXXX metres turn right onto M1. First time just before Gateway Bridge. Further down kept giving turn directions to get on M1.
WTF The road is 4 lanes straight ahead all the way. Cant believe how crappy it actually is.
Even V5 is at least 18 months out of date.
Text to speech instructions are laughable Like "Stay on this road for a very long time". How far is a long time.
Doesnt tell you which street to turn off into. Name appears in MFD but am watching the road not the B****y dash readout
Is about 50m out in actual positioning IE says "Turn now" about 50m before you get to the intersection.
Caused me to drive up a blind street that was just before the one I wanted.
In contrast the TomTom in the POLO is dead on with location Maps are updated every 3 months and are up to date.
Gives great text to speech with instructions with the street name you are turning into.
And all for 5% of the price of a RNS510
YEs I know it is an integrated entertainment system but an RCD and a Tomtom would be far better.
Wish I had known it was so bad and I would have got them to remove it when I bought the car.
A friend has just bought a Mazda CX5 and it has Tomtom mapping and is as good as my one and they get free maps regularly as well.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan