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Thread: what is this mk3 golf vw radio part?

  1. #1

    what is this mk3 golf vw radio part?

    Anyone know what this part is and what it does?

    I have a suspicion that its a factory amplifier kit for the radio reception but not sure. The coaxial wire coming out of the box goes to the aerial in the roof, the coaxial wire going into the box goes into the aerial connection of the original radio. there is a black wire that goes down behind the dash somewhere. my radio reception is very poor and i suspect that if this box is meant to help it is faulty, or has no power to it to work. can anyone help?

    Current Ride: Mk7 Golf R

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Perth, Western Australia
    looks like somthing to do with the antenna, thats the antenna wire.
    1995 MK3 Golf

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    according to ETKA its "adapter for aerial connection for connecting radios without remote feed cable angled connector"

    I have no idea what that means. But it sounds like its nothing exciting



  4. #4
    Join Date
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    its an aerial repeater as such,
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    yeah, mine doesn't have that little box, just the little plug on the back of it, then it has a little adaptor to make it into the "standard" arial adaptor but has a little adaptor thing... in the end it looks like it does the same thing as yours, although yours seems to have an additional earth wire or something...

    I also note that my antenna in the roof has a black wire coming from it which improves reception when hooked up (mine was busted when I got the car)...

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  6. #6
    Would anyone know where to get an adapter as such to fit an oz stlye antenna..??

    The connection on my alpine differs from the one in the picture above
    Last edited by Johnnyk MkIII vr6; 20-05-2009 at 10:24 PM.

  7. #7
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    The actual part is an aerial booster . When the first mk3's came here they didnt have it and had poor reception once you got to around Campbelltown , they ended up having a service campaign late in 1994 to fit all mk3's . Ever since then VWs have had them fitted as standard until the mk5 .

    I have heaps of those adapters I just gotta find one !
    Bug_racer supports the rebellion of the euro revolution

  8. #8
    ok so if its a booster then i assume mine isnt hooked up properly as my reception is sh*t or that the booster is broken. I have a question, if i was to fit an aftermarket aerial (short stumpy or vw sharon replica - i notice that are available from dub adddiction) does anyone know if the vw booster will still work with after market aerials?? - (i believe factory vw aerials have a wire connected to the base of the antenna that is hooked up with boosters?). i just have no idea on how electricial systems work.
    Current Ride: Mk7 Golf R

  9. #9
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    Easiest way would be to unscrew your factory antenna and have a look for any additional wiring or connections that you're talking about. If this does exist I would guess that it is wired into the shoe of the antenna at the base as it being attached to the main antenna makes no sense at all.

    The main antenna should make contact with the shoe the same way as all other antennas basically a threaded section which screws in.

    A booster is just a signal amplifier. It would also have some kind of filter built into it as well to filter any signal noise that is amplified along with the desired signal.

    So to answer your question succinctly you should be fine.


    2010 Renault Clio RenaultSPORT 200 Cup 20th Anniversary Edition - #19 of 30 - The French Connection...
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  10. #10

    thanks trent, i'll be replacing the existing factory aerial seal in the next week or so so I keep you guys updated on what i discover re the wiring. thanks again, nigel
    Current Ride: Mk7 Golf R


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