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Thread: Welocme to VWWC Car Audio!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Bunyip, Victoria

    Welocme to VWW Car Audio!

    Hey guys, an un expected boon, but now we have this wonderful section, for all us V-Dub Doofers,

    Once i work out what all these wonderfun new buttons do, i'll set a an SPL register, A few DIY's, and mabey a Gallery to show off your systems.

    I hope that members will be all able to help each other, and provide good advice to all in need.

    Have Fun!

    Last edited by ScienceVR6; 15-05-2007 at 12:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Central Coast, NSW


    Just thought I would attach a link to help you out with purchases. I get asked a lot what is the best thing to buy for $XXX. So I am trying to help everyone out. So far there is a 6 / 6.5inch component, 12inch subwoofer and mono block guide. This mainly applys to Australia though.

    Bora has gone ;( Custom sub box and beige floor mats to suit for sale.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Exclamation Etiquette in Car Audio Threads

    Recently it seems to have become popular in this forum for some people to think it's their duty to tear down brands / other people's opinions that they for whatever reason think are inferior or differ from their own.

    In many instances these threads have completely lost objectivity and have just degenerated into a "my opinion / stereo / device is more important / accurate / sounds better than yours", or "why would you buy that for $1000 when you can buy this for $3000".

    To be honest no-one is interested in these opinions except you yourself.

    Whilst HELPFUL verifiable comments about issues (not hearsay) will be allowed, pointless arguing, opinionated posts, personal attacks, etc, will be deleted and if necessary infractions will be given. This is a forum - remember that your opinion is just that - only your opinion. If you are posting something perhaps slightly contentious about something, think carefully how you word it, and we can hopefully stop the numerous ongoing complaints to the admins and mods that have come from this area in recent months.

    I know that those who seem to think it is their job to post these sorts of posts likely won't read this, but for everyone else - Please report the posts and they will be deleted.


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