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Thread: Warranty issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Warranty issue

    ok guys last year, november to be exact had a stereo installed by a supposedly "reputable" car sound mob in brisbane. Which included a lifetime warranty on their work while owned the car. So anyhow couple months ago my passenger window stopped working so took it into Austral to get it looked at hoping it was just the motor. Turned out the installers didnt put the grommet between the door and the body back on correctly and water got in damaging wiring. Now i have no qualms with Australs diagnose of the problem and can understand y its not under their warranty. The problem lies in that went to said sound installer on the weekend and told them about it, the response from the moron behind the counter was they have first right to look at such problems and because i paid austral to fix it basically to bad in his book. As you guys can understand Im not HAPPY JAN any ideas on what i can do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    i know it seems as though it is the fault of the installers. And id be annoyed at them yes.

    But If i were you i wouldnt have paid for anything up front myself. Warranties dont work like that unfortunately.

    U shoulda gone back there and shown them after it was diagnosed. And they woulda had no choice but have it repaired for u

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    i know it seems as though it is the fault of the installers.
    But If i were you i wouldnt have paid for anything up front myself. Warranties dont work like that unfortunately.
    Tim great idea in theory just that if im away like i was at that time and have very limited spare time to take it back and forth btwn dealer and installer and stuff round not easy to say to austral leave it and get it sorted with those other people. Am more annoyed at his attitude to my questions and well I know where i will never buy anything from again.

  4. #4
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    It's a tough one but you can see both sides right?

    Essentially they have to take your word it was broken and your word (or the receipt of some random place) on what it cost to repair. Had they of fixed it themselves it would most likely have cost [them] nothing or very little.

    This is one of the few reasons I would ever pay the premium to get a product installed by the factory or dealer. Then all responsibilty is on one person/group.

    Sadly had the guy of said sorry mate rather than given you the cold shoulder he would have kept a customer, had he of gone further and offered either to pay the costs or provide some additional product service to you for no charge he most likely would have gained MORE customers as you told us how good he was.

    Many people don't realise that in todays internet connected world, one bad experience can kill off more cutomers quicker than ever before.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  5. #5
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    yeah can definetley see both sides but to basically act like i was lying etc p**sed me off severly. I remeber now why i prefer doing the installs myself if i have time.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasn78 View Post
    yeah can definetley see both sides but to basically act like i was lying etc p**sed me off severly. I remeber now why i prefer doing the installs myself if i have time.
    Yep, nothing like doing a job right the first time.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit


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