We have a 2011 GTI Mark VI which came with factory SatNav (RNS510) and bluetooth. It's been working fine until the last couple of days when 2 issues showed up.
1. Bluetooth will not connect to either of our phones, tried deleting the paring from phone but it just can't find the phone when searching.
2. In the MFD under the "Audio" option it would normally display the radio station or song you are listening to, but it just says "Volkswagen Navigation" in the central part of the display, the same text is normally displayed under the "Navigation" MFD Screen if you aren't navigating anywhere...
3. When entering a route into navigation it usually would show the instructions on the navigation screen on MFD but it just seems to sit on "Volkswagen Navigation" (not 100% sure as only just tested this now in garage without driving).
Does anyone have any ideas about what it could be/what I could try to fix it before taking it to a dealer? It's still under warranty but usually this stuff is just a simple reboot of something, ie pull fuse or module out and plug back in again...
This is what the Audio screen on MFD looks like:
Do you have MDI?
On a different note, maybe try disconnecting the battery to reset everything?
Yes I have MDI, why do you ask?
Funnily enough this morning the car wouldn't start, dead battery. It's on charge now. Similar thing happened to me with this car about a year or so ago, slightly different symptoms with the bluetooth not working correctly and MFD playing up flicking back to the phone menu everytime the phone signal changed... Battery went flat then as well, recharged it and it fixed it self... so I'm hoping that once the battery is charged again it will have reset it self...
So how did you go?
Yep once the battery charged it was all fixed. Bluetooth working, MFD behaving (Audio showing audio, Nav showing Compass or directions).
Very weird!