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Thread: VW map update for RNS510

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_R View Post
    The thread that says 'LOOK HERE FIRST'
    Could you please point me in the direction of this thread? I've tried searching, but had no luck.

    I also need to update firmware and don't have the map cd. For some reason my rns has just started not playing dvd's, comes up and says wrong region code???

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantis View Post
    Could you please point me in the direction of this thread? I've tried searching, but had no luck.

    I also need to update firmware and don't have the map cd. For some reason my rns has just started not playing dvd's, comes up and says wrong region code???
    Map here

    Where did you buy your RNS from If its a Euro one its a different region code to AUS which is region 4 or you are playing a different DVD to usual which is region coded Most arent these days unless it came from overseas

    You need to know the version before updating firmware so go to the sticky in the Audio forum
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Noosa, QLD
    Thanks Hillbilly..

    Vehicle was purchased from Barloworld VW (2011 Tiguan) with RNS510 already installed in April its Version is 1T0035680C.

    As I said, all our DVD's were working fine, then I tried the other night while waiting for the missus to finish work and none of them would work?? DVD's are genuine, not copies and all are Region 4....

    The missus did say the RNS shut itself down the other day while she was driving, but started up again after she turned it back on with no issues at all, I'm now thinking this could be where the problem started.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantis View Post
    Thanks Hillbilly..

    Vehicle was purchased from Barloworld VW (2011 Tiguan) with RNS510 already installed in April its Version is 1T0035680C.

    As I said, all our DVD's were working fine, then I tried the other night while waiting for the missus to finish work and none of them would work?? DVD's are genuine, not copies and all are Region 4....

    The missus did say the RNS shut itself down the other day while she was driving, but started up again after she turned it back on with no issues at all, I'm now thinking this could be where the problem started.
    Firmware 4120 link Firmware updates for RNS510 units in Australia/NZ
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  5. #15
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    Thanks for all your help Hillbilly, dvd is in the car updating firmware as we speak.

    Hopefully that fixes the issue...

  6. #16
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    [I@ Mantis:- If you check the region code in your unit, you may find it has reverted to its factory setting.
    Mine (installed by Barloworld prior to delivery) thought it was in China and wouldn't play most legal discs — home burnt ones without region code were fine.
    Barloworld at that time (2009) didn't know how to fix it (or didn't want to, said they'd let me know but I heard no more from them) — had to do it myself (easy with VCDS.)

  7. #17
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    Hmmm, so chances are a simple firmware update won't fix it....

    What is the VCDS you speak of? I'm pretty new to the whole VW jargon, ask me anything related to a Subaru and I'm in my comfort zone, but speaking VW is a totally different language to me.

  8. #18
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    RE: VW map update for RNS510

    Vcds consists of a cable and program from It plugs into the connector above the accelerator and lets you set the modules and systems in the car. It also lets you see fault codes and reset them. If you set DVD region to 0 you can play any DVD.
    Sent from my RM-821_apac_australia_new_zealand_304 using Board Express
    08 MY09 R32, DBP, DSG, GIAC, R8V10 reps, KW V3, RNS510/VIM/BT/MDI, region free DVD, switched Haldex, s2t paddles,HPA dogbone rubber,Mk7 climatronics, FIS+, Adams/RDA discs & Hawk pads, Garage button, GruppeM. Front fogs, Milltek. CF Chin spoiler.Strut support. LEDs Alloy front suspension bits.....

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