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Thread: Volkswagen Golf/Jetta SAT NAV

  1. #371
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Canning Vale, WA

    I just received my AVC9000 from Auspack but havent installed it yet.

    I have taken the SD card out to see whats on it and LOL'd when I saw a "crack" folder for TomTom

    I cant seem to see any iGo files so I don't think its loaded on mine. Sorry but I cant help those who wanted the iGo files.

  2. #372
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hi every one and compliments of the season to all...
    Wondering if there is any wisdom out there that can assist. Have had the AVC9000 installed in the Golf for a month or so, and apart from the apppalling AM reception (and non-functional active twin antenna adaptor from advanced ice who no longer allow the general public to call their phone and don't answer e-mails), we have now got a serious gremlin in the satnav. On MOST but not all days, it says it can't see the GPS device, no matter whether I run IGO8, TomTom, or whatever software, or just go and look in the generic set-up bits.
    Has this happenned to anyone else??

    Oh, and there seems NO WAY to make the bluetooth remember any phone from one day to the next.

    Apart from that, it's all fine!


    Audi Q5 2.0 TDI
    sold and missed: '05 Touareg R5TDI
    SWMBO: '08 Golf Pacific TDI DSG

  3. #373
    Join Date
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    Cronulla, NSW
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    I just don't understand why anyone even wants to even try the Bluetooth let alone spend any time trying to tweek it or make it work with phones, etc. It is HORRIBLE, has extremely low sound quality, and is more frustrating than anything to engage with so why bother?

    I've had tonnes of BT units and the only one that works with proper duplex and great quality is either the Blueant units (the square ones, not those hopeless grey round ones) or have heard the Parrot units as well.

    As for the GPS with no uplink, I'd suggest remounting the antenna. I still have mind under the top centre grill and whilst it is interfered with on the odd occassion and I do get dropouts, i still get more than 95% connectivity and haven't gotten lost yet.

    Oh, and ho ho ho
    MY02 Bora V6 4Mo|Matte Black plastidip|VTDA|R32 Exhaust|R32 dampers and springs|TT pedals|R32 steering wheel|17" 8L S3 rims|R32 sways|Blue Haldex|EBC reds

  4. #374
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hey Dyl, thanks for the reply.
    I really only want to have a functional BT to talk to the wife when she is driving. She (quite properly) won't answer her phone when driving, and more often than not all I want to do is to get her attention about something maybe give her a message or ask a quick question. She would never consider that she might need a "proper" BT kit, so all this has to do is to function as it does, plus remember the phone that has been configured to it.

    As for the satnav, it is NOT a "loss of satellite" message, it is more like "WIN CE cannot find GPS device". My Antenna is on TOP of the dash, forward of the vent grille, and when it decides to see the device, it always sees lots of satelites and they are quite strong. So, don't know what to do there!


    Audi Q5 2.0 TDI
    sold and missed: '05 Touareg R5TDI
    SWMBO: '08 Golf Pacific TDI DSG

  5. #375
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Canning Vale, WA
    Has anyone installed the reverse camera on a Jetta? I want to avoid drilling a hole and was wonder if there is anyway to mount a camera without a hole.

    I have looked at the rear license plate lights but these dont actually have a hole behind them so I cant use those spots to feed wires through.

  6. #376
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Canning Vale, WA
    I could'nt resist and took some time to install my AVC9000 today. I will install my parrot 3200 another day when the adaptor arrives.

    The installation was simple and the dash is easy to take apart.

    I only have a couple of issues:

    FM - reception is terrible! I only plugged in the white connector and upon reading some responses here, should I have plugged in the brown one? The jetta doesnt have a roof whip antenna so I don't know why there are 2 fakra leads.

    - does anyone know what the max size USB stick you can use is? I have tried a 4GB stick formatted in FAT32 and it takes ages to load and nothing appears.

  7. #377
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    help on avr9000 radio


    I also installed my avr9000 lately (xmas eve) and I am surprisingly impressed – blue tooth even works – it’s as good as the Motorolla kit that was there before anyway, so that suits the wife... However there are two things I’d like some opinions on.

    1. I’m bemused with the requirement for the user to adjust the screen brightness between day and night – is that normal? There is a "lights on" signal in the CanBus and a light sensor on the front of the unit that seems to control the mode of display for iGo.

    2. (as above I also don’t have a roof whip) Radio reception is a joke – tried white and cream plug. I’ve read here that the golf has two antennas for superior reception, I can’t agree with that at all, my Discovery with one inGlass antenna is as good as the VW factory radio – both loosing reception in the exact same area when heading north or south out of town. So I can’t blame the AVR for this, seems like a stupid VW thing. I connected an aftermarket antenna to the AVR today and radio was crystal clear. So what has worked for others here? If both are connected with a Y adapter as sugested does that sort the issue? Both these plugs are definitely connected to something - is it a loop?

    thanks heaps
    Octavia vRS TDi DSG MY10 - RD Technik tuned
    Polo 9N3 1.9TDi

  8. #378
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Canning Vale, WA
    Can anyone with the Y adaptor comment on whether it makes a difference to radio reception or not? I only listen to FM so AM performance isnt important to me.

    Also, I have burnt a data DVD disc containing both MP3s and Divx movies. The unit plays these files with no problems.

    What I cant figure out is if I am playing an AVI file, how do I get back to the screen with the folders listed so I can select a different file or play an MP3 instead? All I can do currently is go next and back but cant change the mode from video to MP3

  9. #379
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Lilydale, Victoria
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    Avc 9000

    Hello all, I'm new to VWwatercooled.

    Hi have purchased one of these units from Rob at Auspacks recently, I have installed it in a Mk5 Jetta. I also have a B6 passat and I'm considering getting another unit for that too - if I can get problems sorted.

    The general operation of the unit is a bit 'clunky', but I am getting use to it. I have had a number of problems, one with the DVD play back but after reading this forum, I know how to sort it (earth handbrake lead!)

    Just today, the clock no longer works, it is displayed still but doesn't count! Anyone else had this problem - it also causes other problems like sporatic day/night screen in IGO8 software.

    Does anyone know about any firmware re-flashes yet?
    Does anyone know how to delete the 'TV' icon on the main screen?

    Any advice appreciated.


  10. #380
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Lilydale, Victoria
    Users Country Flag

    AVC 9000 Antenna connector

    Can anyone tell me the type of antenna connector used with these units?


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