And I don't need any suggestions about what I should have bought...thankyou.
The AVC is now installed...thanks zz2 & mrX (& Tim).
Problem is with the GPS (Navi) screen. It seems that the "touch" menu options on the screen are all arse about face. The icons appear in the lower half of the screen, but the touch function for each icon is diagonally opposed to where it should be. Also, the Navi screen now has moved some millimeters to the left, making it even harder to select any options.
I had taken a back up of the SD card, and since this issue, have reformatted the card and reloaded the OEM files. No good.
I have done a full reset (little pin in reset hole...top right hand corner). No good.
Radio works fine. Clock works fine. DVD works fine. Reverse camera not working yet (as the cap/diode blew up during install....awaiting new components from Radio Spares). USB connection works. BT works. Farken Navi screen is ar.e about face. Therefore no GPS software/maps etc.