To rule out the cd/DVD, I'll happily give you the disc I used. If your anywhere near williamstown let me know
To rule out the cd/DVD, I'll happily give you the disc I used. If your anywhere near williamstown let me know
2010 Candy White Golf GTI 5Dr. Manual, RNS-510, Bluetooth, Tints, GT-CX 18 Gloss Black Rims.
Daft question, but your burning the cd as an image, rather than a data cd? Easiest way to make sure, is to pop the final cd/DVD in the computer and have a look at the contents of the disc. If there's an iso file on the disc, then you've burnt a data disc. If there's loads of files, then it's done correctly.
2010 Candy White Golf GTI 5Dr. Manual, RNS-510, Bluetooth, Tints, GT-CX 18 Gloss Black Rims.
If your having trouble burning it to a DVD use the ISO program. Save the MAP Down load once you open the ISO burner just click browse and it will find any ISO files you have just double click and it will do the rest ,I used this ,
How To Burn an ISO File to a DVD (or CD or BD)
Hi all . How long approx for the maps to install? What number should maps version be, version 5 is 7679 what's should 6 be? Sorry for all the dumb questions lol
Thanks hilly billy. All perfect![]()
Image name is CD_7920....... so yeah it appears the version is 7920......can anyone who has installed this upgrade vouch that it actually is V6 and will it wipe out all my POI's if I install this????
Tiggy 125TSI, 6 speed manual, tints, comfort pack.
didn't wipe my pois