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Thread: Upgrading from RCD-500 to RCD-510

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Upgrading from RCD-500 to RCD-510


    I originally bought my GTI Pirelli with the RCD-500 unit installed and I'm looking to upgrade it to the RCD-510 as I think it looks much better, I don't think I need the RNS as I do not want sat nav.

    I know there are quite a few threads about this but they seem a bit old so I'm wondering where would be the best (ie. cheapest, easiest) to buy a RCD-510 unit? Online? I know there is/are a seller on eBay that quite a few forum members have bought from and I was wondering what their recommendations are?

    Also would there any VAG-COM to be done to solve any 'power drain' issues or anything like I've read in some posts (not sure if this applies to me or not though)

    Any help would be much appriciated, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    UMG Brisbane
    With the Piwelli being an 08/09 the power drain shouldn't be an issue from what I have read, not sure whether you will not VCDS recoding or not for that upgrade. Agreed, the RCD510 is a nice looking unit, tried to go down that path, but I was gonna suffer from the power drain issue.
    Ebay or here is the best bet, maybe post up a WTD for a week or so to see if you get any nibbles?
    2013 MY13.5 Passat V6 Highline Wagon. Watch this space
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
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    The best is check the ebay regularly. I picked up RCD510 for our Tiguan for $310 posted from Sydney. Also consider RNS510 since it plays video, has 30GB hard drive and has higher resolution screen. For more info check the Audio section of the forum.

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