Hi All,
Anyone upgraded RCD300 to RCD320 retrofit one removed from Amorak (not Chinese RCN210) without loosing any steering wheel button function, need of can bus upgrade, fancy cable mods (as in RNS210), losing to ability to see it on VCDS.

With current original RCD300 all applicable steering buttons for this make and model are functional but phone buttons cause RCD300 has no BT/phone connection.

Anyone upgraded from RCD300 to RCD320 on pre 2007 Golf MK5 with half sized MFD (red clusters)? Is it plug play retrofit? can bus upgrade needed to avoid battery drain? and any steering wheel button problem?

I have read lots of RCN210 retrofit posts on forums which state rnc210 does not cause battery drain but steering wheel buttons are non-functioning on half sized MFD, and cables are installed into air-conditioning instead of can bus quadralock etc.

RNS 315/510 are also not smoot options, not a need, and too expensive.

According to VCDS the can bus is old "F" version.