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Thread: Tow Bars available from AustraliaTowbars OEM Option - t/a of Euro Car Upgrades

  1. #1
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    Tow Bars available from AustraliaTowbars OEM Option - t/a of Euro Car Upgrades

    Spot the difference between the VW Part supplied to them by Westfalia and AustraliaTowbars Module & Wiring kit by Westfalia.

    Main Difference that I will expose is that Westfalia Tow Bar Modules are LED Trailer compatible and Volkswagen ones are not. Volkswagen Dealers will advise you to buy an adapter for $300 so you can use your LED Trailer.

    Tow Bar, to work correctly, requires a VW module. This is responsible for CAN communication with other modules:

    -Engine - when towing it works differently to cope with extra load - sometimes switches additional fan to cool
    -ABS / ESP module - these work differently when trailer is hooked to avoid jack knifing.
    -CECM - This power module distributes power in another way when trailer is hooked - also visually aids the driver when trailer is hooked on dashboard
    -OPS - This is coded so when trailer is hooked up sensors do not beep
    -CAN gateway - trailer module is coded into the gateway (main comms hub) so the car and other modules know what to do
    - RVC - reversing camera - similar thing to parking sensors - recognises the trailer on the screen switches off dynamic lines
    -5F Information Electronics - ensures entertainment system displays all the trailer info correctly.

    This is what a genuine Tow Bar looks like on a installed on Golf 7 without damaging the bumper:

    This is what a Tow Bar looks like on Vw Touareg:

    AS you can see they are invisible when removed and in the first video, a 19 year old girl operates one. They are also Super Heavy Duty and rated more than the vehicle rating.

    If you are in the market for a Premium European Tow Bar, AustraliaTowbars can help you with your choice and answer any questions you may have. Every Tow Bar module has to be coded. You can use ODIS, VCDS or Westfalia Coding Tool.

  2. #2
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    Buyers should be aware that just because the towbar is rated higher than the vehicle it does not mean you can tow a heavier weight.

    The limit is either the Towbar or the vehicle whichever is the LESSER.

    It does make them a bit safer though I guess as it wont stress them so much.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Buyers should be aware that just because the towbar is rated higher than the vehicle it does not mean you can tow a heavier weight.

    The limit is either the Towbar or the vehicle whichever is the LESSER.

    It does make them a bit safer though I guess as it wont stress them so much.
    This is 100% CORRECT. Even though the tow bar might be rated to 4T and the Ball Attachement is normally rated to 6T with These Tow Bars, it does not mean you can hook up a 30 ft to your VW Polo Would love to see that on the news though

  4. #4
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    I've seen something similar, many years ago (1958, I think.)
    Heading for the Latrobe Valley, just out of Hallam, I overtook a Euclid (remember those — large earthmoving devices whose wheels towered above you) with an "On Tow" sign.
    The "tow" vehicle was a side-valve Morris Minor attached to an "A" bar.
    As always happens when you see something like that, I had no camera.

  5. #5
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    Don't underestimate the old Morris.

    40 years ago I had a 1961 Austin Lancer fitted with a full race MGB motor. Apart from being able to pull 160 k's in 3rd (4 speed gearbox) I once towed a Holden panel van across Canberra including going up a few big hills. The panel van driver kept putting the brakes on because I was going so fast up the hills. OK, not the same as towing a truck but back then life was much simpler and you could get away with almost anything including using your MK1 Golf to tow a fully loaded car trailer.

    I'd never do it now but back then I was young and stupid.



  6. #6
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    Reminds of when I owned a Torana. V8. Hatchback
    I used to tow a 19 ft 6. Caravan. With electric brakes
    The Torana had a bit of work done to it and the looks I used to get as I passed. Valiants and Falcons on the big hills. B

  7. #7
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    I bought a kit for my Octavia, installed it and coded the Westfalia module. piece of cake!

    fairly easy and straight forward installation.

    LED trailer lights work fine - no bulb out warnings on the dash!

  8. #8
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    This appears to be the most recent trailer lights thread.

    I have just bought an LED light trailer in Sydney and had to get it home to Brisvegas. However, the trailer lights would only flash, no matter what I did. However, on my mate's Merc they were fine.

    This was after six years of no-trouble, box trailer towing, aside from the "light bulb" warning light coming on each time.

    In Sydney, I went to several auto electricians before someone said its the trailer light box needs a fix.
    They installed two resistors on the trailer, which seems to have fixed the turn and stop light. But the running lights still flashed, including when the car was parked and locked.

    I called a VW parts guy who said VW have only an after-market box I can plug in between the car and trailer, for $355. Luckily they didn't have one in stock or I may have been tempted.

    Drove Sydney to Brisbane anyway, and the cops appeared to accept the flashing light situation, including one who pulled the utility in front of me which I had been cursing for showing no lights at all. Thank you Mr Utility driver.

    So the above Westfalia fix looks good, just wondering if anyone else has done it and what needs to happen?

    Is it just disconnect the battery and plug and play, or is there a trick?

    Anyone know what's involved in "coding the new module"?
    MY09 Golf Candy White 2.0 TDI Pacific
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  9. #9
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    I'd imagine that if you already had a genuine VW kit installed, then the Westfalia box should be plug-and-play in the case of your MK5 Golf. The coding on them was pretty much enabling it in the CAN-bus module, thus allowing communication between the two.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  10. #10
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    Called Australia Towbars, they understood immediately and confirmed VWA does not have a fix for this.

    They do sell only the whole wiring harness and box, cost $300.
    They will code and wire in my new box, which is not separately available, for another $85.

    Anyone got a cheaper solution?

    I'm probably only going to get another year or two out of the MkV, so it seems a waste. Meanwhile the old Mk3 tows no problems at all.
    MY09 Golf Candy White 2.0 TDI Pacific
    MY95 Golf III TDI

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