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Thread: Rns510 Mmi

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Singapoe, Singapore

    Quote Originally Posted by Swallowtail View Post
    The MDI (not MMI) is a neat piece of kit. Not sure what you mean by "work the same as a bluetooth vis the Ipod cable" though... when you connect an iPod to the MDI you get full control of the iPod from the head unit, including selecting artists, genres, albums, etc.
    *nod* I agree with Swallowtail!

    MDI supports the ID3 tags and provides with really nice info into your HU!

    BTW.. what is MMI? I thought that was an Audi thing?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by hannson View Post
    er... actually, if you follow the Fiscon quotes/url I posted earlier, they call it the Pro

    See these 2 links:

    lol.. but no worries.. it's all good since it's all the same

    I'm more concern if it works well

    This is what i was going from:

    As you say though, what it is called is not as much of an issue as whether it works or not! Thanks Hannson.

  3. #23
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    Singapoe, Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by Swallowtail View Post

    This is what i was going from:

    As you say though, what it is called is not as much of an issue as whether it works or not! Thanks Hannson.
    keke.. you're right!!! I had a look

    Kufatec is referring to it as "Basic Plus", whereas Fiscon-mobile is calling it Pro

    Colour of Kettle and Pot is similar

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    IMO not as good as the Skoda which can be picked up for around $650 from the UK.

    Kufatec's quality control leaves a bit to be desired, I have the video in, reverse camera in and video in motion and all have problems.
    I spoke to Stu, he can supply these to Aus for about AU$750 at the moment. Note also that in his install he's used a few $ worth of extra cables and connectors from VW to simplify the install, so it's about $800 worth of bits. I have updated my sticky here with this info:

    So price-wise it's about the same as the Fiscon.

    Pros - adds voice control
    Cons - not plug and play install.

  5. #25
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    You can buy plug and play cables for the Skoda bluetooth, also you can find both the plug and play cable and the Skoda bluetooth on ebay at times for around $400-500.

  6. #26
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    You can buy anything on ebay can't you? LOL...

    Yes in some ways the Skoda kit is better than the Fiscon (i.e. voice control). I get the message...

    Is it the ONLY choice? No.

    EDIT - you can get an A revision from Poland for about $600 -

    You pay your money you makes your choice. Good price, and looks like it's with a PnP cable. A revision doesn't do A2DP though... at that price may be worth getting one to try it...
    Last edited by Swallowtail; 14-07-2009 at 11:57 AM.

  7. #27
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Swallowtail View Post
    You can buy anything on ebay can't you? LOL...

    Yes in some ways the Skoda kit is better than the Fiscon (i.e. voice control). I get the message...

    Is it the ONLY choice? No.
    I'm not saying it is but people should be aware that Kufatec have had problems before with firmware versions of the RNS 510 (one example) and their bluetooth. The Skoda bluetooth being a VAG product will not have these problems as VAG test all their related products to ensure they work before releasing new firmware.

    One specific example was version 1.xx of the Kufatec bluetooth didn't correctly receive calls when the answer button was pressed on the touchscreen of the RNS 510 running version 800 firmware and instead answered the call and dropped it and left both parties unable to communicate. Upgrading the firmware of the RNS 510 to 900 or upgrading the firmware (this was available later) to a new version on the bluetooth fixed this problem.

    It's just something to be aware of that may be an issue and upgrading the firmware on headunits shouldn't be done until others or Kufatec have tested it. Meanwhile I'll get back to Kufatec over the malfunctioning reverse camera/video into controller and the video in motion and see where I get to, the problem appears to be widespread and I'm not confident there will be a fix for either problem.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    I'm not saying it is but people should be aware that Kufatec have had problems before with firmware versions of the RNS 510 (one example) and their bluetooth. The Skoda bluetooth being a VAG product will not have these problems as VAG test all their related products to ensure they work before releasing new firmware.

    One specific example was version 1.xx of the Kufatec bluetooth didn't correctly receive calls when the answer button was pressed on the touchscreen of the RNS 510 running version 800 firmware and instead answered the call and dropped it and left both parties unable to communicate. Upgrading the firmware of the RNS 510 to 900 or upgrading the firmware (this was available later) to a new version on the bluetooth fixed this problem.

    It's just something to be aware of that may be an issue and upgrading the firmware on headunits shouldn't be done until others or Kufatec have tested it. Meanwhile I'll get back to Kufatec over the malfunctioning reverse camera/video into controller and the video in motion and see where I get to, the problem appears to be widespread and I'm not confident there will be a fix for either problem.
    Because of course there are never any problems or issues with anything that come out of VAG as they fully and 100% test everything they release right? Maverick, no-one is that naive . Yes there have been documented issues in the past with older versions, just as there have been issues with RNS510s and every other electronic device known to man etc etc. Hence why they release newer versions of firmware and software - they aren't just to ADD functionality.

    The Fiscon Bluetooth is a stable piece of equipment that is simple to install and generally cheaper than the Skoda kit when bought from mainstream online retailers. The Skoda kit is better yes - VAG kit, voice activated (although from a recent post on here doesn't use the phone button on the MFSW?) but is generally more expensive and harder to install.

    Individual choice...

    I absolutely agree with you though about not upgrading the firmware unless tested by others - it's an expensive unit to turn into a brick LOL...

    Re the issue you have with the reverse camera - would love to hear any outcomes positive or otherwise.

  9. #29
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    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    You can buy plug and play cables for the Skoda bluetooth, also you can find both the plug and play cable and the Skoda bluetooth on ebay at times for around $400-500.
    Is the one off Ebay the same as the one from Stu? i.e. Ver B?

    Does it come with all the necessary brackets and stuff?

  10. #30
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    Feb 2009

    I've got issues with the kufatek reverse camera not activating at times ad well, 15% is a fair assessment. The kufatec rep will be visiting Northfield today and keen to show him what it's doing wrong. I know there is a startup time in the 510, but it should work straight away after that, and get black screens as well as a dirty line on one side of the picture.

    I've got the Skoda kit as well and no complaints at all. Each to their own though and fiscon is plug and play.

    You don't need to spend $100 on the connectors for the skoda if your handy with soldering.

    After mucking around with other car kits I knew having the OEM microphone in the OEM location would work properly.

    I don't think the fiscon shows multiple numbers per contact either.
    Last edited by G-rig; 17-07-2009 at 11:20 AM. Reason: spelling mistake - skids = skoda

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