It's the MAPS V3, not the RNS510 V3. Are you OK if I change the title of the thread?![]()
Hi all,
I've read many of the RNS510 discussions posted on this forum and have decided it may be beneficial for those who have an RNS510 (or are planning to get one) to start a new thread dedicated to the new (almost here) Map Version 3. I also hope this thread may assist people to resolve issues with Map Version 3 (if any).
The following information would be very helpful on this thread:
- When will Map Version 3 be officially released by VW Australia?
- What new features (if any) will Map Version 3 have (as compared to Map Version 2) or is it just simply new map data?
- How much will Map Version 3 cost, if purchased outright with a new RNS510 system? (I'm assuming nothing as would come with system)
- How much will Map Version 3 cost, if purchased as an upgrade for an existing RNS510 owner (I hear prices ranging from $300 to $1,200!?!)
- How frequently can we update Map Version 3?
- How will the update of Map Version 3 be handled, e.g. via downloading from Internet or via some small fee subscription service?
- What are some of the key technical details for Map Version 3, if any.
I’m sure there are more questions regarding Map Version 3, so feel free to post them all here..
Last edited by Mk6 Golf; 07-03-2010 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Removed references to firmware, etc, as only interested in new Map Version 3.
It's the MAPS V3, not the RNS510 V3. Are you OK if I change the title of the thread?![]()
Sorry, I didn't realise the difference. Yes, Swallowtail can you please correct the thread title to "RNS510 Map Version 3" as the intent is to have somewhere where we can all post specific questions and answers, discussions etc, pertaining to the (long awaited and still overdue) new "Version 3" maps
Also, I'll edit my first post so it reflects we are talking maps only, not firmware.
Last edited by Mk6 Golf; 07-03-2010 at 12:05 PM. Reason: typo's
Illegal, surely not!?! ...I got an email from the dealer stating:
"At a future point in time, when Volkswagen release V3 software for the RNS510 we willSurely a dealer wouldn't risk losing their job by doing something blatantly illegal, would they?
be offering that particular version of software to our Volkswagen clients, who return
for service, as complimentary update installation.(No CD)"![]()
Are you sure that this is correct? The discs supplied to end users certainly carry the single user condition on the packaging.
It could be the case that dealers do have a master copy which has different conditions allowing them to place the data on more than one machine/RNS510. Still however not a reason not to supply the map DVD if requested. I can understand dealers not supplying map DVD if not requested and probably over 95% of owners will never take the map DVD out of its protective jacket.
You will have probably noticed that, when you buy a new computer with the operating system already installed, you may have received the operating system discs in an unopened and sealed package. Computer manufacturers sometimes do have their licensed OEM discs which allow them to use the same discs over and over on different machines - and then they supply a new copy of that software to the end user with the new computer (which is the licensed copy that needs to be used in future changes/reformats etc). The discs supplied to the end user carry the license conditions applying to those discs.
Just a thought before we categorically state that the map software has been illegally installed if the end user is not supplied with a copy of the map DVD. It could be legally installed and the dealer just too lazy to get the customer's copy DVD from VW (as Dermot has advised they have to be requested by mail from VWA), After all, it is for all intents and purposes a "backup DVD" for most of us.
I only asked for mine when I learned about updating firmware and read that there was a possibilty that the upgrade could lose map data and require re-installation.
The offer of dealers to upgrade V2 to V3 free of charge is certainly something to look forward to. Same offer was made to me when I questioned my dealer about supply of the V2 Navigation DVD back in November 2009.
This attitude is something of a reverse direction for me. Does show I suppose the value of informed "debate" on this forum which takes account of input from a number of forum members, including dealer representatives and allows me to change my opinion armed with more knowledge (and with more time to actually think about what I wrote previously).
Last edited by Highlander; 10-03-2010 at 11:53 AM.
You know you are getting old when you cancel your order for a 3.6 CC and buy an Icelandic Gray TDI CC instead.
This makes sense to me, therefore the dealers (or someone) must have one set of "paid for" disks for each RNS510 system with maps. After a lot of questioning, the dealer "...emailed Volkswagen requesting that they supply us (the dealer) with the factory CD assigned to your (me!) vehicle. On receipt, this CD will be forwarded to you (me)."
It looks as though they don't actually have them, so need to go back to Volkswagen and ask for them. Very silly, if you ask me. How hard would it be to just place the DVD packet in the glove box, just like the manuals, etc.. Clearly there must be some reason why the don't do this. I'd love to know what there reason is, because it defies logic and just makes the whole process confusing and annoying, for me that is.
True, but wouldn't it all be a lot easier if the disk package was in the glove box the same as the manuals etc.. Why is this not the case? I for one would love to know the real truth behind that! This has just made me more suspicious after all my run-arounds!
OK, so when the dealer says to me "...we will install the new Map V3 (when it comes out) but not give you the disks, because if we gave you the disks then we would have to purchase Maps V3. This way, we just install the data (hush hush) to make our loyal customers happy." I'm not sure about you, but this does NOT sound legal to me. But, I may be wrong, so am not accusing anyone. Still, it would help if we knew the true, once and for all. So, that said, I have asked Volkswagen Australia direct "why dealers would install Maps V3 (for existing customers, not new sales) but not give us the disk?". I am still waiting for a response.
Yes, for me as an end user this is something to look forward to. BUT! Would you still be happy if this was done so illegally, or would you (like I guess many would) just turn a blind eye and say thanks?
Maybe, with some hindsight, if the map data was better priced (i.e. a lot cheaper!!) then I'm sure there would not be an issue.
Food for though.
Does anyone out there know the answers to some of these queries, or can shed some more light?