Having finally sorted out the stuck disc problem, pics to show how to fix with minimal pain. There is no way to do this other than remove and disassemble the DVD mechanism. Could be a 10 minute job!
It appears that after loading firmware, the unit requires Maps DVD next and no other disc will make it happy. (I wanted to reinstall firmware in SSD after making sure it worked on old HDD without putting on maps. Don't do that, it won't work.) Maps DVD may be locked in the unit until "new owner" takes delivery of new vehicle, to prevent Maps DVD theft. (Presume there are other conditions embedded in the software to prevent disc removal prior to delivery.) No other method appeared to work apart from putting in the Maps DVD, since any other disc would generate error until Maps are loaded and would not eject. VCDS shows an ejection lock, but this was already off.
Interesting my corrupted HDD appears to be working fine at present having reinstalled firmware.
(Replacement original Hitachi HDD model - mine was 40GB HEJ421040G9AT00
TYPE ES4PAA400, is available on Aliexpress for about $25. 100% Brand new Hard Disk drive HEJ421040G9AT00 40GB For Car HDD navigation systems made in Japan-in Radio from Consumer Electronics on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group)
To manually remove a stuck disc, separate the two halves of the DVD mechanism. Front assembly with disc lock is not designed to be removed unless the two halves are already separate. Hopefully the DVD will behave itself like a new one when installed empty, as long as Maps are already installed.
0. Remove RNS-510 from vehicle. Wiring loom plug has latch lever that unclips at bottom and swings out. Antenna plugs also have latch levers of a sort - white nylon part pulls up and then acts as lever for the catch to release when squeezed. Remove lid (2 screws at front).
(General instructions on RNS-510 removal thread RNS-510 HDD replacement/SSD swap DIY. Extra long torx bits not needed for this job but are needed for SSD swap. https://www.amazon.com/Neiko-10224A-.../dp/B003X5KEUK )
Local copies of pics:
1. Remove rear attachment of the DVD bracket rather than the DVD itself. Remove DVD mechanism so you can see the cables. Disconnect ribbon cable and power cable. Ribbon cable has usual wedge lock - release lock by pulling out inline with cable, then cable slides out. Power cable is latched to main board and easy to remove there - squeeze latch and pull.
2. Separate the halves of the DVD assembly. Disconnect the 2 cables marked that join between the two halves of the mechanism. Use either a pointed spudger in the hole or non-marring flat nosed pliers on the reinforced cable end. Lift the looped around part whilst gently puling the cable end out inline with cable. Be careful removing the sticky tape holding the cable to front mechanism. Remove the four torx screws that go through the shock mounts - marked - 2 visible and 2 through PCB access hole. Top and bottom of DVD mechanism will separate and disc can be removed. Reassemble.
3. For reference, shows what the bottom half of mechanism looks like with PCB removed. Removing PCB is unnecessary unless you wish to replace mechanics of mechanism without renewing PCB. Aliexpress shows complete mechanisms with and without PCB are available for around $30-$70. OEM mechanism is made by PLDS = Philips LiteOn Digital Systems.
(EG ORIGINAL NEW SF-HD88CPH SF-HD88S car DVD mechanism DVD-M5 DVD-M5/1 DVD M5 for VW RNS510 Ford BMWMK4 GPS navigation Drive systems Original PLDS DVD mechanism DVD M5 navigation loader SF HD88S HD88 laser for Ford RNS510 Escalader BWM E60 2006R GPS dvd radio-in Car Multimedia Player from Automobiles & Motorcycles on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group; DVD-M3.5 no PCB for earlier models has different connectors. Original New PLDS single DVD mechanism DVD M3.5 drive loader SF HD8 Deck No PCB for Mercedes BMW CCC MK4 SAAB Ford Car DVD audio-in Car Multimedia Player from Automobiles & Motorcycles on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group)
4. Drive mechanism (top half) shown in what appears to be the "home" position (ie as if disc inserted). Motor gear can be manually turned with a pointed stick in the gears (shown obscured by the cable connector). DVD failed to talk to RNS-510 in any other mechanism position.
5. For reference shows parts of mechanism front. I had pulled this apart from the front initially trying to removed stuck DVD, and having displaced several parts in the process, required to reassemble them. Don't take the front off the DVD mechanism (unless the two halves are apart).
Pics on photobucket: RNS-510 Slideshow by blouis79 | Photobucket