VW, ŠKODA & SEAT Boot Screens
(previews and associated .ISO files)
I've tried my hand a making a few simple and mostly tasteful (yes, it's subjective, I know) boot screens. It's a start, and I will build on the collection when I can be bothered. It's not like you get to look at them for a long time anyway. I'll add all future previews/ISOs to these first few posts (I've reserved a few for now so that users posts appear after the previews/ISOs).
If at all possible, i'd like the keep the thread relatively clean, so please refrain from posting in here unless you have technical issues or have found an error in the coding. You can always PM me if you have any questions/comments. I have no plans on taking requests as such.
These previews have been tweaked so you see them as you would on the unit (although I have reduced them in size).
To install any of the boot screens, simply download the ISO from the link below each preview.
Burn the ISO to a CD and place it into the unit and follow the prompts. The update process only take a minute or two.
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06 (ElsaWin 3.9.1 anyone?)
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07 (this was for my golf-mad father in law)
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