This is very much a First World problem that I find mildly annoying. Every time I start the engine and the satnav boots up the map scale is different to when I last switched the engine off, e.g. I park up with the scale on 75m, start the car an hour later and the scale displayed is 150m. Drive to the shops, park up, come back and start up and the scale is out to 300m. Next startup it's 150m again. All over the place. I recently had a satnav antenna problem, and had the dodgy antenna replaced under warranty. I used a puck antenna under the dash until I had the antenna repalced, and wanted to see if the scale would keep changing after I had the new rooftop antenna fitted. It does. I think the issue might have more to do with a FW update to 4120. I'm pretty sure the timing of the update, and when the map scale started changing is about the same.
It just means I have to manually adjust the scale practically every time I start the car - like I said, a First World problem. This only happens at system startup, and the map scale doesn't change while driving. It isn't the variable map scale option (Autozoom) indicated by the "+" inside a small magnifying glass. I've got that off. The manual doesn't say that it should stay the same until altered, but it has for the last 2 years. Anyone got any clues as to why it has started doing this and/or what I can do to sort it I'd be glad to hear them. Thanks.