I recently upgraded from a RCD500 to a RCD510 and while I was using the RCD 500 and AUX it worked flawlessly, sound quality was acceptable and sounded similar to the radio.
Now I have the RCD510 installed which works perfectly except for the AUX. Cable hasn't changed and was just a basically straight swap between the two units. Now when I plug in my iPhone the quality is atrocious basically all I can hear is very low sounds and doesn't even sound audible. I've turned up the volume on both the head unit and iPhone and nothing changes. I looked in the setting where there's the AUX volume/voltage and fiddled with that to no avail.
Does anyone know why this happens?
MKV GTI Pirelli
You might need to swap some pins because VW changed the AUX pins between gen-2 and gen-3 radios.
Auxiliary input audio sound quality problems after changing head unit | my-gti.com