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Thread: RCD310 Bluetooth options

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Sydney, NSW
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    RCD310 Bluetooth options

    I have a Multivan Edition 25 that came with the RCD310 but no bluetooth module. Im looking for the best option to fill this gap.

    I have had an RNS510 (bought from Lithuania) in my last multivan with an aftermarket parrot kit which worked fine, but I don't think I nee the navigation anymore, so no longer yearn for the RNS510.

    I would like to know what the best cost effective combination for bluetooth would be. I can find bluetooth modules on ebay but then need to have it fitted in Sydney. Or should I upgrade the head unit with something like the rns510 that may come with bluetooth as well.

    I would like a factory option as opposed to aftermarket, just to keep it all genuine.

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Robear; 06-05-2017 at 02:54 PM.
    Weekday: 2012 Multivan Edition 25
    Weekend: 1985 Porsche 911 Targa
    Wife: 2008 VW Toureg V6 TDI

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Hi there,

    I just went through this on my Jetta. I came up with two options.

    Install a RCD510 + bluetooth module (didn't want to pay the RNS dollars).
    Install a RCD330 (bluetooth built in).

    The RNS510 needs a bluetooth module as well.

    I was chasing the OEM look too. Unfortunately I bought the RCD510 and bluetooth module before coming across the RCD330 (a week later). I ended up buying the RCD330 too and installing it instead. They have removed the bugs from the current version and it works well.

    I'm unsure about the MFD and MFSW on the Multivan so I'm not sure if you have those functions to loose. For the Jetta the correct models of RCD510 and bluetooth modules were required to keep all functionality on the red MFD.

    Check out this thread if you want a little info on the RCD330:

    Replacing RNS 510 with RCD 330+

    Just my 2 cents, hope it helps.

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