The following are the steps I took to replace the standard 250W amplifier in my R36 with the 600w Dynaudio version as part of an overall Dynaudio Retrofit
This worked plug and play for me. Absolutely no promises it'll also work for you.
UPDATE: There may be different versions of wiring loom used in the R36. There's at least one account of the plugs not fitting 'Plug and Play'. Once the issue has been investigated and resolved, I will post details here of any differences.
Original Amplifier - 3C0 035 346 K - ?? brand, 8-channel, 250W
Dynaudio Amplifier - 3C0 035 346 J - Lear brand, 10-channel, 600W
Other amplifier part numbers are reportedly compatible (again no promises). Numbers that are believed to work and be 600W 'Dynaudio' variants are:
3C0 035 346 A, 3C0 035 346 C, 3C0 035 346 H, 3C0 035 346 P
I have also read reports from R32 owners that you can transplant amps from other models (the first 2-3 characters in the part# indicate model - eg. 3C0 035 456 A vs 1Q0 035 456 A), though I know of at least one account where this did not work in an R36 (using a Passat CC Dynaudio amp).
Also, the model-specific tuning is most likely done in the DSP part of the amplifier, so sound quality will likely be reduced going down this path anyway...
My recommendation is to only use the Passat (3C0) part for your R36 when it comes to the amplifier.
1. Remove the Radio fuse. This was F19 on my fuse box, located in the back-right corner of the engine bay - read your manual to make sure you pull the right fuse
2. Slide the seat all the way back and tilt the bottom cushion all the way up (at the front)
3. Remove plastic amplifier cover by sliding it away from the seat. Removing the floor mat helped with this.
4. Remove the two bolts holding the amp onto the plate. Each have a 10mm socket and Torx screw option - my Torx bit seemed loose, so I used the socket. There are only two bolts at the front, I originally thought there were four (two front + two back) based on the amp.
5. Gently slide the amp out of the plate and manipulate to a position where you can access the plugs. There are clips on the top and bottom of each plug that need to be lifted while gently levering the plug out - a little fiddly, but possible. I used a small screwdriver to lift the clips and to apply gentle levering pressure on the plug (had to alternate between each a few times)
6. Clean up area under the seat and collect loose change. Once you remove the amp, there will probably be a bunch of fossilized french fries, dust kitties and hopefully money under there. I was lucky and found a dollar to go towards the subwoofer fund =)
7. Plug in the Dynaudio amp. The Dynaudio plugs are facing the opposite direction. Turn the amp upside down to plug it in. They should click into place.
8. Gently turn the amplifier back over (be very careful while twisting the wiring around) and manipulate it into place, slide it back into the plate. It's tight and fiddly, but possible - just take your time and be careful not to break/kink any wiring.
9. Replace the two amplifier bolts and plastic cover.
10. Replace Radio fuse.
11. Test it out! Turn on your head unit to ensure it all works ok and you get sound. Just be careful not to turn it up past ~60% or you may eject the Blaupunkt cones out of their baskets - my bass starting making 'blarp!' noises at that volume.