No its not Ok to do that. It is the worst way to do it. You could end up with a pile of ashes instead of a car.
What I did was find 2 spare sockets that have power to them. You need a multimeter and test them out
One with PERMANENT power and one that has ACC only power Then I bought two of these at Jaycar Depends on whether the sockets are full size or mini's.
Plug the camera plug into the socket from the Power Magic and away you go. set the PM with all the Dips up and you will have 11.8 cutoff and 1 hour parking. If you dont want park mode there is a way to wire it up to turn on and off with the ignition only. Pm me for alternatives.
Have installed numerous Blackvue cameras in this manner and have worked OK for over two years.
The large pic shows the fuses with the wire out the back. MIni at the top. Normal below. Its almost impossible to solder a wire on yourself, believe me I tried several times.
What make of camera are you installing. If you have no idea what I am talking about I politely suggest you get someone who does to show you how to do it for your own safety.
Last edited by Guest001; 29-01-2015 at 06:13 PM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan