I only realised this morning that the thread i replied to came under MkV Golf & Jetta, better suited here.
Anyone else had similar experience?

[QUOTE]Originally Posted by 85turbo
Yes, i can agree that it does work.

the RCD510 is in, and it works as expected.
measured the draw with the rcd300, and it was 0.640A (640 milli amps).
with the RCD510 in place it was 1.8A (as expected).

after the relay install, with the RCD510 installed, and turned off, the draw was back to the previous reading of 0.640A)

Hi all,
Sorry to re-hash this thread again but it's been extremely helpful to me in sorting out my RCD510. I just wanted to check something in regards to the draw of of the RCD against various versions of the canbus. I've got version "H" and the maximum it's drawing is 1.0A. Obviously this is nowhere near what Jason was getting above so it leads me to ask 2 things:
1) Is 1A still to high a draw to be on the safe side against a drained battery? (at the moment, I'm doing the old "pull the fuse" trick until I'm 100% certain one way or the other.)
2) "L" type was the earliest version of the canbus that will guarantee no flat battery, If 1A is considered safe enough draw it would seem some earlier models may not require the canbus upgrade, Or, does it mean that, as newer models come out, the battery draw progressively drops until version "L" and beyond, keeping it at a steady .60A?

Would be very keen to hear other people thoughts, especially as it could save me (and others) close to $150 for a new canbus.
